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No because quadratic equations only have 2 X-Intercepts

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Q: Is it possible for a quadratic equation to have more than 2 solutions?
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How can you tell how many solutions a quadratic equation will have without solving it?

A quadratic equation can have a maximum of 2 solutions. If the discriminant (b2-4ac) turns out to be less than 0, the equation will have no real roots. If the Discriminant is equal to 0, it will have equal roots. But, if the discriminant turns out to be more than 0,then the equation will have unequal and real roots.

What solution does a negative discriminant have?

In basic mathematics, a quadratic equation with a negative discriminant has no solutions. However, at a more advanced level you will learn that it has two solutions which form a complex conjugate pair.

What is a quadratic eqation?

A quadratic equation is an equation where the highest exponent on the variable is 2. For example, the equation, y=2x2+3x-2 is a quadratic equation. The equation y=2x is not quadratic because the highest exponent on x is 1. (If there is no exponent on an x, then the exponent is 1.) The equation, y=x3+3x2-2 is not quadratic because the highest exponent is three. On a graph, a quadratic equation looks like a U or and upside down U. Here are some more example of quadratic equations: y=x2 y=3x2+2x-3 y=x2+5

Why Do you Study linear equations?

we study linear equation in other to know more about quadratic equation

The Square of a number is 5 more than 4 times the number. Find the number that makes the sentence true.?

This is a quadratic equation which will have two solutions: X2 = 4x+5 Rearrange the equation: x2-4x-5 = 0 Factor the equation: (x+1)(x-5) = 0 So the solutions are: x = -1 or x = 5

Related questions

How can you tell how many solutions a quadratic equation will have without solving it?

A quadratic equation can have a maximum of 2 solutions. If the discriminant (b2-4ac) turns out to be less than 0, the equation will have no real roots. If the Discriminant is equal to 0, it will have equal roots. But, if the discriminant turns out to be more than 0,then the equation will have unequal and real roots.

Why are there usually two solutions to a quadratic equation?

In the graph of a quadratic equation, the plotted points form a parabola. This parabola usually intersects the X axis at two different points. Those two points are also the two solutions for the quadratic equation. Alternatively: Quadratic equations are formed by multiplying two linear equations together. Each of the linear equations has one solution - multiplying two together means that the solution for either is also a solution for the quadratic equation - hence you get two possible solutions for the quadratic unless both linear equations have exactly the same solution. Example: Two linear equations : x - a = 0 x - b = 0 Multiplied together: (x - a) ( x - b ) = 0 Either a or b is a solution to this quadratic equation. Hence most often you have two solutions but never more than two and always at least one solution.

Can a math problem have more than one answer?

Yes, it can. For example, if you are solving a quadratic equation, the curve could cross the x-axis in more than one place, thus the equation would have two solutions, a cubic equatuion can have 3 solutions, an equation with a power of four in it can have four solutions, etcetera.

How do you know if a quadratic equation will have more than one solutions?

Write the quadratic equation in the standard form: ax2 + bx + c = 0 Then calculate the discriminant = b2 - 4ac If the discriminant is greater than zero, there are two distinct real solutions. If the discriminant is zero, there is one real solution. If the discriminany is less than zero, there are no real solutions (there will be two distinct imaginary solutions).

What solution does a negative discriminant have?

In basic mathematics, a quadratic equation with a negative discriminant has no solutions. However, at a more advanced level you will learn that it has two solutions which form a complex conjugate pair.

If an equation has a degree of three how many solutions will there be?

An equation with a degree of three typically has three solutions. However, it is possible for one or more of those solutions to be repeated or complex.

What is the value of coefficient a in the quadratic equation?

The answer depends on the quadratic equation. And since you have not bothered to provide that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.The answer depends on the quadratic equation. And since you have not bothered to provide that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.The answer depends on the quadratic equation. And since you have not bothered to provide that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.The answer depends on the quadratic equation. And since you have not bothered to provide that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

What does it mean in algebra to complete the square?

A quadratic equation can be solved by completing the square which gives more information about the properties of the parabola than with the quadratic equation formula.

Why Do you Study linear equations?

we study linear equation in other to know more about quadratic equation

What is a quadratic eqation?

A quadratic equation is an equation where the highest exponent on the variable is 2. For example, the equation, y=2x2+3x-2 is a quadratic equation. The equation y=2x is not quadratic because the highest exponent on x is 1. (If there is no exponent on an x, then the exponent is 1.) The equation, y=x3+3x2-2 is not quadratic because the highest exponent is three. On a graph, a quadratic equation looks like a U or and upside down U. Here are some more example of quadratic equations: y=x2 y=3x2+2x-3 y=x2+5

The Square of a number is 5 more than 4 times the number. Find the number that makes the sentence true.?

This is a quadratic equation which will have two solutions: X2 = 4x+5 Rearrange the equation: x2-4x-5 = 0 Factor the equation: (x+1)(x-5) = 0 So the solutions are: x = -1 or x = 5

Is it possible that an equation have two or more solutions?

Yes, some equations have as many as ten. There is a very rare equations that only two people have seen that has 1 billion solutions.