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Yes. A square needs only a quarter rotation.

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Q: Is it possible for a quadrilateral to rotate onto itself in less than one-half rotation?
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The rotation of the earth around the sun and the angle of the rotation of the earth itself.

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If earth surrounds itself it is known as rotation if earth surrounds the sun then it is known as revolution

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The earth rotates itself and rotates around the sun. a full rotation around the sun is exactly a year. a full rotation of the earth itself is a day.

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It will do so.

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A rotation of 360 degrees will map a parallelogram back onto itself.

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1. Rotation (earth rotates on it's axis) 2. Orbit (earth orbit's arount the sun)

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the no. of times the figure fits into itself is called order of rotation.

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The movement of an object around its own axis is called rotation. On Earth, this rotation takes about 24 hours to complete one full rotation.