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Q: Which transformation can map the letter S onto itself?
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What transformation can map the letter S onto itself?


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A rotation of 360 degrees will map a parallelogram back onto itself.

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what transformation will always map a parallelogram onto itself?

Linear transformation is a function between vector spaces that will always map a parallelogram onto itself. Some examples are rectangles and regular polygons.

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Which sequence of rigid transformations will map the preimage ΔABC onto image ΔABC?

The identity transformation.

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How many degrees must a rectangle be rotated in order to map onto itself?

It will be 180 degrees

What is a self similar shape?

A shape is said to be self-similar if it will map onto an enlargement of a part of itself.

Function which maps itself onto itself?

f(x) map onto itself means f(x) = x the image is the same as the object

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At every 9 degree turn it will look the same then after 40 turns it will map back on itself.

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Jordan wigner transformation is used to map the spin to Boson while holstein primikoff transformation to Fermion