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Q: Is it possible that the orientation of a figure could change after it is translated?
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When a figure is translated its orientation?


Do rotations preserve or change the orientation of the figure?

They change the orientation.

Does a figure change dimensions when translated?

No only a change of place is made

Does a figure change its dimensions when translated?

No but if it is enlarged its dimensions are changed

Is it possible to change your personality?

Yes, it is alaways possible to change your personality. You just have to figure out, what you want to change about your current personality, and figure out how you are going to do it.

What is isometry that does not change orientation?

It's a transformation that's order of the letters like ABCD of a figure don't change when transformed.

What is an arrangement of points labeling a figure called?


What is an Arrangement of points for labeling a figure?

This is called the Orientation.

Can gay people change to straight by the end of puberty?

I don't believe it is possible to be 'gay' before puberty. It is the onset of hormones that typically drive one to figure out their sexual orientation. Some people may feel they are in the wrong body from an early age, but that is driven by puberty.

How do the area and perimeter of the area of a figure change when it's dimensions change?

The answer depends entirely on how the dimensions change. It is possible to change the dimensions without changing the perimeter. It is also possible to change the dimensions without changing the area. (And it is possible to change the area without changing the perimeter.)

What is a displacement in math?

It is moving a figure horizontally and/or vertically but keeping it of the same size and orientation.

What happens when you perform a translation of a figure?

It is moved across the plane. Its size or orientation are not changed.