The is no "largest" common denominator. For any denominator you find, we can multiply it by a natural number and come up with a larger one. Do you mean LEAST COMMON DENOMINATOR?
1,000000000000,00000000000000,00000000,000000000000,00000000000,00000000000,00000,0000000000,000000,actually, there is no such thing as 'the largest number'.
If possible, find the largest and smallest possible values of the variable under study. Then the range = Largest Value minus Smallest Value.
There is no such thing. As soon as you find the "largest number" you could just add one and it would be bigger. Again and again forever.
This isn't possible. They'd have to be even (8, 10, 12).
Neither. Given any signed number it is possible to find a higher natural number and given any natural number it is possible to find a higher signed number.
The is no "largest" common denominator. For any denominator you find, we can multiply it by a natural number and come up with a larger one. Do you mean LEAST COMMON DENOMINATOR?
To find the largest odd natural number that is a factor of 120, we first need to factorize 120 into its prime factors, which are 2^3 * 3 * 5. Since we are looking for an odd factor, we can ignore the factor of 2. The largest odd factor of 120 is then 3, as it is the largest odd prime factor present in the prime factorization of 120.
1,000000000000,00000000000000,00000000,000000000000,00000000000,00000000000,00000,0000000000,000000,actually, there is no such thing as 'the largest number'.
the largest number - the smallest number
If possible, find the largest and smallest possible values of the variable under study. Then the range = Largest Value minus Smallest Value.
Use the following algorithm (written in pseudocode). Let largest be the lowest possible real number. Let smallest be the greatest possible real number. Repeat while there is input... { Read real number r from input. If r is greater than largest then let largest be r. If r is less than smallest then let smallest be r. } End repeat. Let range be largest minus smallest. Output range.
Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada)
There is no such thing. As soon as you find the "largest number" you could just add one and it would be bigger. Again and again forever.
A natural number is doubled when added to its reciprocal. Find that number!
take the largest number in the sample and subtract the smallest number that is the range