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Q: Is it possible to have more than 1 next of kin?
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Is moses kin to Jesus?

No Moses is not a kin of Jesus but David is .

Why does an ocean liner traveling at 100km per hour would have more kinetic energy than a yacht traveling at the same velocity.?

The difference is the mass of the moving object: ocean liner some 10.000 to: yacht some 10 to Theory: W kin = kinetic energy m = mass v = velocity W kin = 1/2 * m * v² So the yacht would have to travel approx. 316 times faster than the ocean liner (when at 10 knots per hour) to have the same kinetic energy.

Why did boaz have the right to marry Ruth?

He was second of kin to her.

What does the term altrusim mean and how does it relate to kin selection?

Hamilton (1964) outlined two ways in which kin selection altruism could be favoured. Firstly, if individuals have the capacity to recognize kin (kin recognition) and to adjust their behaviour on the basis of kinship (kin discrimination), then the average relatedness of the recipients of altruism could be high enough for this to be favoured. Because of the facultative nature of this mechanism, it is generally regarded that kin recognition and discrimination are unimportant except among 'higher' forms of life (although there is some evidence for this mechanism among protozoa). A special case of the kin recognition/discrimination mechanism is the hypothetical 'green beard', where a gene for social behaviour also causes a distinctive phenotype that can be recognised by other carriers of the gene. Hamilton's discussion of greenbeard altruism serves as an illustration that relatedness is a matter of genetic similarity and that this similarity is not necessarily caused by genealogical closeness (kinship). Secondly, even indiscriminate altruism may be favoured in so-called viscous populations, i.e. those characterized by low rates or short ranges of dispersal. Here, social partners are typically genealogically-close kin, and so altruism may be able to flourish even in the absence of kin recognition and kin discrimination faculties. This suggests a rather general explanation for altruism. Directional selection will always favor those with higher rates of fecundity within a certain population. Social individuals can often ensure the survival their own kin by participating in, and following the rules of a group. from the web page

How do you divide pumpkin into syllables?

Pump-kin has two syllables.

Related questions

Can there be more than one next of kin?

Yes. If there is no surviving spouse, the next of kin are the children (equally and together). If there are no children then the next of kin is determined by the laws in the jurisdiction. Next of kin for legal purposes is set forth in the laws of intestacy.

Who would be your mother-in-law's next of kin following your husband's death Would it be her brother or a grandchild?

A brother is more closely related to you than you grandchild is, so a brother would be the next of kin. Of course, a written will can bequeath parts of an estate to other than the "next of kin."

Who is the legal next of kin to your grandmother?

If he is still alive, your grandfather is the legal next of kin to your grandmother. Failing that, her children are her next of kin. Does she have living siblings? Those are also closer kin than her grandchildren. Failing that, it gets more complicated. We all have different families with different relatives.

What is the legal definition of next of kin in Ohio?

usually the next of kin would be a child, if no children than a sibling would be considered.

When was The Next of Kin created?

"The Next of Kin" was created in 1942.

What are next of kin laws in Texas?

what is the rights of next of kin

What is mean by next of kin?

Next of kin means a person's nearest relative. Kin = family.

When you die your spouse and your children are the next of kin. What are your parents' roles?

If you have a surviving spouse and children your parents have no legal standing at the time of your death as next of kin except as heirs at law in Louisiana. See the related question for more about next of kin.If you have a surviving spouse and children your parents have no legal standing at the time of your death as next of kin except as heirs at law in Louisiana. See the related question for more about next of kin.If you have a surviving spouse and children your parents have no legal standing at the time of your death as next of kin except as heirs at law in Louisiana. See the related question for more about next of kin.If you have a surviving spouse and children your parents have no legal standing at the time of your death as next of kin except as heirs at law in Louisiana. See the related question for more about next of kin.

Who is the next of kin to your father?

Your mother, but both parents are next of kin

Is your stepdaughter or nephew your next of kin?

Yes, your step daughter or nephew can be your next of kin. Next of kin is typically a family member that is surviving.

Who directed the movie Next of Kin?

John Irving directed the 1989 movie Next of Kin. Patrick Swayze and Liam Neeson starred in the movie. The movie received 5.3 stars out of a possible 10 stars.

Who is your fathers next of kin you or your stepmother?

His wife is his next of kin for legal purposes.