Percentages are percentages - simple! The marketing people have not yet come up with "new improved" percentages.
This is not possible, because any number squared would be positive, not negative.
yes, it is possible to have a negative decimal.
The percentages of clay, silt, and sand are typically determined by conducting a soil analysis test. Without this specific data, it is not possible to provide accurate percentages for soil at point X. These percentages can vary greatly depending on location and soil composition.
It is very hard to generalize. Some things do have a historical trend. Population statistics frequently show a positive trend, hence the calculated percentages are typically positive. The downturn in the world economy recentlyproduced a lot of calculated negative percentages. You may find thousands of negative percentages if you follow the stock market. There is a tendency for convenience and clarity, to state percentages as "20% lower" or "20% off" instead of saying the "price today = stated price - 20% of the stated price."
Yes it is possible...
Conversions, work with decimal, fractions and percentages, perimiters is mostly what we learn at our school. negative numbers.
Radii are always positive. No, it is not possible to draw a circle with negative radius.
No. "Absolute" means non-negative.
It is possible to be pregnant and the test negative, but not likely.
Percentages are percentages - simple! The marketing people have not yet come up with "new improved" percentages.