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Q: What is the negative of possible?
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Is it possible to have negative decimal numbers?

yes, it is possible to have a negative decimal.

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Yes, it is possible for a matrix to be a Hessian that is not negative semidefinite.

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Is it possible to draw a circle of negative radius?

Radii are always positive. No, it is not possible to draw a circle with negative radius.

Is it possible to have a negative absolute pressure?

No. "Absolute" means non-negative.

Can you be pregnant and the test negative?

It is possible to be pregnant and the test negative, but not likely.

Is it possible to have a negative variable?


Is it possible to find the square root of a negative number explain why or why not?

This is not possible, because any number squared would be positive, not negative.

Is it possible for a coefficient of variation to be negative?

Of course it is! If the mean of a set of data is negative, then the coefficient of variation will be negative.

Is it possible for a negative number to be greater thatn a positive number?

this is not possible

Is it possible for a coefficient of variation to be negative Explain.?

Of course it is! If the mean of a set of data is negative, then the coefficient of variation will be negative.