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Yes. For Example, many operating systems have two schedulers, one for high priority\realtime processes such as gui elements and another for low priority\background processes. The high priority\gui scheduler will usually use a scheme such as SRTF (shortest remaining time first) or SJF (shortest job first), while the low priority\background scheduler may use a scheme such as RR (round robin).

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Q: Is it possible to implement more than one CPU scheduling Algorithms on one OS?
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What are the disadvantages of Fibonacci search?

There are a few disadvantages of the Fibonacci search: It can be slower than other search algorithms if the data is not sorted. It can be less accurate than other search algorithms if the data is not sorted. It can be more difficult to implement than other search algorithms.

Can you list the application of laplace transforms in the field of computer science engineering?

Laplace is used to write algorithms for various programs. More info is available on wiki .

What are the Different steps involved in solving a problem by using simulation method?

You need to give more information about which specific method you mean. simulation in numerical analysis just means using a computer to run different algorithms to solve continuous problems that can't be solved by normal or analytical methods. Considering the large amount of different algorithms there are for different topics and even different variations on those algorithms, I can't answer your question unless you specify which method it is you want to know the steps for.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word possible?

"Possibler" and "Possiblest." Just kidding. Possible comp. is "more possible" and possible sup. is "most possible." Wa-la.

Does the CIA buy prime numbers?

I see no reason why they would do that. Prime numbers can be used for encryption, but there are algorithms that can quickly generate a more or less random prime number. No need to pay for the "discovery" of a specific number!

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What are the disadvantages of Fibonacci search?

There are a few disadvantages of the Fibonacci search: It can be slower than other search algorithms if the data is not sorted. It can be less accurate than other search algorithms if the data is not sorted. It can be more difficult to implement than other search algorithms.

What are some potential inefficiencies when using the bubble sort algorithm?

Although bubble sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithms to understand and implement, its O(n2)complexity means it is far too inefficient for use on lists having more than a few elements. Even among simple O(n2)sorting algorithms, algorithms like insertion sort are usually considerably more efficient.

Are there algorithms that will never be practical to implement by computer?

Yes. Algorithms to explicitly evaluate very large numbers (e.g. Graham's Number) would be one example; a computer which could even hold the result of such a calculation would require a great deal more matter than exists in the Universe.

Improving security in real time wireless networks through packet scheduling?

In the present network we have not a security of your data so you can do develop a some algorithm,that is useful to protect the packets in dynamically,but now used algorithms can't protect the packets,so we can develop spss algorithm,this algorithm is more protect the packets compare to other algorithms.......

Briefly define FCFS scheduling?

First-Come, First-Serve (FCFS) scheduling is one of the simplest scheduling algorithms in the realm of operating systems, and its implementation offers a straightforward approach to process management. In FCFS scheduling, processes are executed in the order they arrive in the ready queue, essentially adhering to a first-in, first-out (FIFO) strategy. The fundamental principle behind FCFS is straightforward: the first process to request the CPU gets executed first, and subsequent processes have to wait until the CPU is available again. The mechanism of FCFS scheduling is simple to understand and implement. When a process enters the system, it gets placed in the ready queue. The CPU scheduler picks the process at the head of the queue for execution and allocates the CPU to this process. The process continues to execute until it either finishes or gets blocked for I/O or some other reason, at which point the CPU is allocated to the next process in the ready queue. This cycle continues until all processes are executed. FCFS is non-preemptive, meaning once the CPU is allocated to a process, it retains control of the CPU until it completes its execution or gets blocked for some reason. This characteristic simplifies the scheduler design, making FCFS an attractive choice for simple systems or batch processing environments where jobs are more or less independent of each other. However, FCFS scheduling has its set of drawbacks. It can lead to the "convoy effect," where short processes have to wait for a long process to complete, leading to suboptimal CPU utilization. The average waiting time under FCFS scheduling can be high if long processes arrive at the queue early. Moreover, FCFS does not prioritize processes based on their importance or urgency, which can be a significant limitation in scenarios where certain processes require immediate attention. Despite its limitations, the simplicity and ease of implementation of FCFS scheduling make it a viable choice in specific scenarios, especially in systems with minimal process management requirements or in batch processing environments. It serves as a foundation for understanding more complex scheduling algorithms and provides a clear illustration of how process scheduling works at a basic level. In a nutshell, FCFS scheduling is a fundamental, easy-to-implement scheduling algorithm that executes processes based on their arrival order, adhering to a non-preemptive, first-in, first-out strategy. While it may not be the most efficient or versatile scheduling algorithm, its simplicity makes it a useful stepping stone in the study of operating system scheduling algorithms, paving the way for understanding more advanced scheduling strategies.

What are 2 ways to speed the solution process?

One way to speed up the solution process is to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Another way is to implement more efficient algorithms or strategies to tackle the given problem.

What are the scheduling criteria for CPU scheduling?

CPU Scheduling Criteria: There are many scheduling algorithms and various criteria to judge their performance. Different algorithms may favor different types of processes. Some criteria are. as follows: • CPU utilization: CPU must be as busy as possible in performing different tasks. CPU utilization is more important in real-time system and multi-programmed systems. • Throughput: The number of processes executed in a specified time period is called throughput. The throughput increases .for short processes. It decreases if the size of processes is huge. • Turnaround Time: The amount of time that is needed to execute a process is called turnaround time. It is the actual job time plus the waiting time. • Waiting Time: The amount of time the process has waited is called waiting time. It is the turnaround time minus actual job time. • Response Time: The amount of time between a request is Submitted and the first response is produced is called response time. A CPU scheduling algorithm should try to maximize the following: • CPU utilization • Throughput A CPU scheduling algorithm should try to minimize the following: • Turnaround time • Waiting time • Response time by manish kumar gnit g.noida

Where can one find more information about job shop scheduling?

Information about job shop scheduling can be found at ShopTech, Realtrac, Global Shop Solutions, OptiSol, Roll-Kraft, and Velocity Scheduling Systems.

How do you sort an array of numbers?

Use a sorting algorithm. There are a bewildering number of sorting algorithms, both stable and unstable. To sort numbers, an unstable sort suffices. The algorithm you use will depend on how many numbers need to be sorted (a small or a large set), however a hybrid algorithm (a combination of two or more algorithms) can cater for both. Introsort (unstable) and timsort (stable) are the two most common hybrid sorting algorithms.

What is algorithm and define its complexity?

In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm is an effective method expressed as a finite list of well-defined instructions for calculating a function Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and automated reasoning.By complexityAlgorithms can be classified by the amount of time they need to complete compared to their input size. There is a wide variety: some algorithms complete in linear time relative to input size, some do so in an exponential amount of time or even worse, and some never halt. Additionally, some problems may have multiple algorithms of differing complexity, while other problems might have no algorithms or no known efficient algorithms. There are also mappings from some problems to other problems. Owing to this, it was found to be more suitable to classify the problems themselves instead of the algorithms into equivalence classes based on the complexity of the best possible algorithms for them. Burgin (2005, p. 24) uses a generalized definition of algorithms that relaxes the common requirement that the output of the algorithm that computes a function must be determined after a finite number of steps. He defines a super-recursive class of algorithms as "a class of algorithms in which it is possible to compute functions not computable by any Turing machine" (Burgin 2005, p. 107). This is closely related to the study of methods of hypercomputation.veer thakurchandigarh

Why is scheduling fairly simple for repetitive systems but fairly complex for job shops?

scheduling is fairly simple for a repetitive system just because it is more simple.

What is Google algorithms?

Google Algorithms is the system Google uses to show your website as a search result for a query on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). These algorithms retrieve data from Google’s search index and instantly deliver the best possible results for a query.