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Q: Is it possible to walk in a straight line while blindfolded?
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Related questions

Why can't you walk in a straight line when blindfolded?

Because you can't see...

What is straight line in humanities?

It is human nature to walk in a circle instead of walking in a straight line. This was discovered during an experiment conducted by Jan Souman. Jan blindfolded people and told them to walk in a straight line on different terrains. The reasons for this are unknown at this time.

Is it possible to throw a ball in a straight line?

In a theory, it's possible to move any object in a straight line of motion, but in real life, it's physically impossible.

How do you join 9 3x3 dots and only use 1 straight line?

It is not possible. Several (4) straight lines without lifting your pen is possible but 1 line is not.

Is it possible to draw a 1 meter line on an A4 sheet of paper?

Yes, but it will not be a straight line.

Which one of these is not a polygon a hexagon square triangle or line?

A line is not a polygon. A polygon is a closed figure with straight sides, while a line is a straight path with no endpoints.

What is the most important thing about traveling in a straight line?

the magnitudes that are supposed to be taken in consideration while moving on a straight line are:distancespeed/velocityaccelerationdisplacement

Can you move in a straight line blind folded?

It could be possible it depends on the person

Do three random points lie on the same line?

they do, if the line is curved, otherwise it is infinitely unlikely, but possible that they lie on a straight line

What is the difference between a curved line on a distance-time graph and a straight line?

A curved line represents changing speed - either acceleration or deceleration - while a straight line indicates that the speed is constant.

Is y equals y to the power of x possible to plot?

Yes, it is a straight line

How do you draw an angle that measures between 90 and 180 degrees?

first draw a straight line. then erase half of the line and re-draw the part of the line that you erase and make this line slanted while one of the ends of the line is connnected to your straight line.