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Because you can't see...

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Q: Why can't you walk in a straight line when blindfolded?
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Is it possible to walk in a straight line while blindfolded?

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What is straight line in humanities?

It is human nature to walk in a circle instead of walking in a straight line. This was discovered during an experiment conducted by Jan Souman. Jan blindfolded people and told them to walk in a straight line on different terrains. The reasons for this are unknown at this time.

How do you walk in a straight line if you are lost?

Walk forward in a straight line.

How does gender boy or girl affect its abiltiy to walk in a stright line blindfolded?

how does gender boy or girl affect its ability to walk in a stright line blindfloed?

Does a blindfolded person walk in a circle if so than why?

A person that is blindfolded will automatically walk in a circle because they don't know where there going.

What is the use of walking in the line?

its called a D.U.I. You walk the line so the police can tell if your drunk or not, it you walk straight your sober, if not your drunk (If you not a clutz like me and can never walk in a straight line.)

Does a blindfolded person walk in circle?

only if they walk in a circle

Why can't we walk in a straight line?

We can

If you walk in a straight line when will you get home?

never. your hopeless

How do ants walk in a straight line?

health and safety issues

What is a sentence using the word straight?

I struggle to walk in a straight line when I've drunk too much Guinness.

What is the formula for determining blood alcohol content?

Try to walk a straight line.