Yes, it is true for all whole numbers (integers). It is not true for non integers.
It is better to think of multiplying by 10 as moving the decimal point 1 place to the right.
So, 3 * 10 = 30 (We can think of 3 as actually being 3.0, so by moving our decimal point one place to the right we get 30).
Likewise 3.5 * 10 = 35 (Here the rule of adding a 0 does not work as 3.5 isn't a whole number, but moving the decimal point one place to the right always works).
It is possible.
This is true; if you multiply both numbers by the same number, the proportion will remain the same.
It is always zero !
When you add them, you always get an even number; when you multiply them, the result is always odd.
It is possible.
This is true; if you multiply both numbers by the same number, the proportion will remain the same.
No, that's not true. Since "milli-" means 1/1000, you need to multiply by 1000, not by 10.
It is always zero !
Yes, an even number multiplied by an odd number or an even number will give you an even number.
its always the same
It is a number, usually multiple of 10, that we have to multiply the reading of the measurement with, in order to have the true number. So if the reading is 1,23456 and the multiplying factor is 100, then the true number is 123,456.
When you add them, you always get an even number; when you multiply them, the result is always odd.
No, this statement is not true. When you multiply a number by another number less than 1, the product will be smaller than the first number. For example, multiplying 5 by 0.5 gives a product of 2.5, which is smaller than 5.
1011.09900990.... is a number. It is neither true or false - just a number.
1 x 3 = 3. Any time you multiply a number by 1, it will always be the original number. The same holds true for the inverse. If you multiply a number by -1, it'll be the original number as a positive or negative depending on the original number.