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Q: Is it true if a polygon has odd number of angles the angles cannot be congruent?
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If a Polygon has odd number of angles angles cannot be congruent?

All regular polygons have equal lengths and equal interior angles but irregular polygons have variations in sizes.

What polygon has equal sides and equal angles?

A polygon that has congruent sides and congruent angles is called a Regular polygon. If the number of sides is given, you can be more specific. Some examples: 3 congruent sides/angles = equilateral triangle 4 congruent sides/angles = square 5 congruent sides/angles = regular pentagon 6 congruent sides/angles = regular hexagon ...and so on, by adding "regular" in front of the shape's name.

Has all sides congruent and all angles congruent?

Any regular polygon. There are an infinite number of them.

What are the attributes of a polygon?

A polygon has sides A polygon can have any number of side A polygon can not be curved so a circle is not a polygon Regular Polygon Has congruent sides and angles Has lines of symmetry Irregular Polygon Doesn't have any equal sides or angles Doesn't have any lines of symmetry

How many angles can a similar and congruent figure have?

That depends on the how many sides the figure or polygon has but they both will have the number of equal angles

If you know the sum of the angles of a regular polygon how can you find the measure of one of the congruent angles?

Each interior angle = sum of angles/number of sides

Is a polygon that has all congruent faces and angles a concave polygon?

No it is not. On a number of counts.A polygon is an enclosed plane area whose boundaries comprise straight lines. It is, therefore, a 2-dimensional object and so does not have faces. If you meant sides instead, the answer is still NO. If all the sides and and angles are congruent then the polygon MUST be convex.

What has opposite angles congruent?

Any polygon with an even number of sides (vertices) in which at least one pair of opposite angles are of the same measure.

What are all the shapes that have opposite angels congruent?

Any regular polygon with an even number of sides will have opposite angles of equal measure.

Can a congruent shape have the same number of angles?


How can you calculate the perimeter of a regular polygon?

Add the length of all sides. A regular polygon is a polygon where all sides and angles are congruent, so a shortcut is to know the length of one side and multiply it by the number of sides.

What is the relationship between the number of sides and number of angles a polygon has?

A polygon has the same number of sides and angles.