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Q: Is it true if subtracting a number ending in 9 means that you move a 10?
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Is it true if subtracting a number ending in 9 always means you have to move a 10?

Not always because as for example 39 minus 29 = 10

What is a negative subtracted by a negative?

Subtracting a negative number has the same effect as adding a positive number - think of it as moving right on a number line whereas, subtracting a positive number will move you left on a number line.

When subtracting a negative number why do you move to the right on the number line instead of the left?

Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding a positive number. Also, adding a negative number is the same as subtracting a positive number. -7 + (-5) = -7 - 5 = -12 -7 - (-5) = -7 + 5 = -2

Why can you subtract from a negative number?

Because numbers don't stop. Think of a number (positive or negative) as a point on a number line. You can move to the right by adding to it and to the left by subtracting from it.

What are 5 numbers that are not integers?

Integers include positive whole numbers, negative whole numbers, and zero.The "set of all integers" is often shown like this:Integers = {… -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …} The dots at each end of the set mean that you can keep counting in either direction. The set can also be shown as a number line:The arrows on each end of the number line mean that you can keep counting in either direction.Adding and Subtracting IntegersLooking at a number line can help you when you need to add or subtract integers.Whether you are adding or subtracting two integers, start by using the number line to find the first number. Put your finger on it. Let's say the first number is 3.Then, if you are adding a positive number,move your finger to the right as many places as the value of that number. For example, if you are adding 4, move your finger 4 places to the right. 3 + 4 = 7If you are adding a negative number, move your finger to the left as many places as the value of that number. For example, if you are adding -4, move your finger 4 places to the left. 3 + -4 = -1If you are subtracting a positive number, move your finger to the left as many places as the value of that number. For example, if you are subtracting 4, move your finger 4 places to the left. 3 - 4 = -1If you are subtracting a negative number, move your finger to the right as many places as the value of that number. For example, if you are subtracting -4, move your finger 4 places to the right. 3 - -4 = 7Here are two rules to remember:Adding a negative number is just like subtracting a positive number. 3 + -4 = 3 - 4Subtracting a negative number is just like adding a positive number. The two negatives cancel out each other. 3 + 4 = 3 - -4

Why is it that when subtracting an integer gives the same result as adding the opposite?

Because of the definition of addition and subtraction. When looking at a real number line: when you add you move to the left or up, when you add the opposite of a number you move in the opposite direction.

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Why is subtracting a negative number the same as adding a positive number?

The best way to understand this is probably by thinking of the real number line:Subtracting can be thought of as switching directions as you move along the number line. For instance, 5 + 3 means you start at position 5 on the positive side of the number line and move to the right, the positive direction, 3 integral ticks. However, 5 - 3 means you switch directions. Now, you start at position 5 and move left, the negative direction, 3 integral ticks.Negation can be thought of in the same manner as subtraction; i.e. as a directional change on the number line. Using the above example, that would mean that for 5 + (-3) you would once again start at position 5 on the positive side of the number line and start to move right, since that what addition means. However, the negative sign in front of the 3 forces you to change direction, so instead you end up moving left 3 integral ticks.Now, to finally answer your question. 5 - (-3), using the number line, would again mean that you would start at position 5 on the positive side. The subtraction operation, as explained above, means that you would move left 3 ticks instead of right. However, the negation of 3, also explained above, means that you would once again switch directions, this time from left to right, and ultimately move 3 ticks that way, the positive direction. Hopefully, you can see that the end result of both 5 + 3 and 5 - (-3) has you moving 3 ticks in the same direction, that being the positive direction, which is why they can be thought of as the same operation.

What is negative 1 minus 1?

Dealing with negative numbers might be confusing at first, but try and visualise (or draw) a number scale, starting with 0 at the middle and going up the positive numbers above and down the negative numbers below, like this: (etc.) ^ 4 -| 3 -| 2 -| 1 -| 0 -| -1 -| -2 -| -3 -| -4- | V (etc.) By adding, we effectively move up this number line; by subtracting, we move down it. With negative one minus one, we are starting with minus one, then subtracting positive one, i.e. -1 - (1). So we start at -1, then by subtracting 1 we move down 1 space to -2. Therefore -1 - 1 = -2

How do you use number line subtraction negative big numbers?

Subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive, so you would move that many to the right on the number line. For example, 4 - (-20) is the same as 4 + 20, so you would start at 4 and move 20 spaces to the right, and end up with 24 as your answer.

6x plus 58 equals 10x plus 14?

6x+58=10x+14 first move the 58 to the other side by subtracting it. 6x=10x-48 Then you move the 10x to the other side by subtracting it. -4x=-48 Then you divide both sides by -4 x=12 is you answer.

What does 3 plus - 5 equals plus show work?