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Q: Is it true many people can visit the same webpage at the same time?
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Where can one find BPL Mobile online?

The main way to find BPL Mobile online is to visit its webpage. The trick here is to actually visit the Loop Mobile webpage as Loop Mobile is the same company as BPL Mobile.

How many people visit N'Djamena?

Over 1 million people come on here a year, and about the same amount have user accounts.

Why do people visit angkor what?

For the same reasons that they visit any of the other famous sites of the world: They are interested in them. People visit the Pyramids of Giza because they are interested in them; they visit the Eiffel Tower and the Great Wall of China for the same reasons.

Can people visit the same web page at the same time?


When you download something it's done at full speed but when you load a webpage it's done slowly why is this?

could be you need more Ram to store the information from the webpage, your processor might not be up to speed... or, the server in which your visiting for that webpage might have a slow upload speed, or tons of people are visiting it the same time you are, exhausting it's bandwidth!!!

How does the brower display the same webpage whether the URL of the IP address bar is entered?

browsers are made for the easy access of world wide it display the same webpage by both ways.

Is webpage names and hits the same?

The URL of the webpage is to make it human readable. Behind the scenes, browsers hits the IP address to get the web page.

How many people visit the hajj a day?

All the Muslims gone to Makka Mukarma to perform Hajj perform the same ritual together, not in turns or groupwise.

Why do people move from Algeria?

People want to visit Algeria because it is a beautiful place to see and visit in the world, you can visit many places in algeria, like zeralda its along the cost of algeria and or you can go to Chiffa Gorges, its a beautiful place if you like rural scenery

What is there to do in Malmo Sweden?

There are many cafes and bars to visit while in Malmo, Sweden. Tourists can also visit the opera and music theater or visit the biggest festival in Sweden, called Malmofestivalen.

Visitors to a blank webpage I'll see the same content?

If looking at a blank webpage it means one of two things. It can mean that the page is not finish or the website is not longer in use.

what is visiting a webpages?

A visit to a website where at least one page has been loaded. Visits indicate a continuous process of using a website and should not be confused with the number of visitors, as a visitor may make several visits to the same site. Pageviews are the total number of times a page was viewed on your site. A pageview (or view) is counted when a page on your site is loaded by a browser. for more details