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an epidemic

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Q: What occurs when many people in a given area are afflicted with the same disease at about the same time?
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What Is defined as the ratio of diseased to well people in a given community?

The ratio of diseased to well people in a given community is known as the prevalence of the disease. It is a measure of the total number of cases of a disease within a population at a specific time. It helps in understanding the burden of the disease within that community.

What is the definition of leading health indicator?

A health indicator is a measurement of how many people in a population have a given disease.

Is prader-willi syndrome a common syndrome?

no it's not PWS occurs in 1 out of approximately 12,000 - 15,000, which classifies it as a rare disease. According to the Office Of Rare Disease Research (a division of the National Institutes for Health) "A rare (or orphan) disease is generally considered to have a prevalence of fewer than 200,000 affected individuals in the United States." Given the incident rate and population of the USA there's around 20,000 - 26,000 people in the USA who have PWS.

Why is melatonin given to ferrets?

Melatonin can be used in the treatment of adrenal disease in ferrets.

What chemical change occurs so that heat is given off?

this occurs in an exothermic reaction

Can a person develop aspergillus pneumonia after a lung repair operation?

Yes, that is very likely. Aspergillus infection occurs mainly in people having organ or bonemarrow transplant. These fungi, which are not infectious to people with normal immunity, can cause disease in the above mentioned patients because they are given some chemotherapy drugs (like cyclophosphamide). -Shrawan Bhandari, (Researcher in Aspergillus infection)

Does Given have a schwa sound?

Yes. In the word 'given', the schwa occurs on the 'en' syllable.

Does given have schwa sound?

Yes. In the word 'given', the schwa occurs on the 'en' syllable.

What are the demographics of ALS?

ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, can affect individuals of any age, gender, or race. However, it is most commonly diagnosed in individuals between the ages of 40 and 70, with men being slightly more likely to develop the disease than women. There is no known specific cause for the majority of cases of ALS.

Can your husband have caught something from a woman he had an affair with and given it to you?

Yes, if a husband is caught having an affair with another woman he could have picked up a sexually transmitted disease and given it to the wife. People must realize that in most cases when they sleep with someone other than their mate that person could have slept with many people and picked up a sexually transmitted disease.

What is Postexposure prophylaxis?

It is any treatment given after exposure to a disease to try to prevent the disease from occurring