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Q: Is it true or false that for each kilometer of altitude there is a corresponding 6.5 C drop?
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Is there a corresponding 6.5 degrees Celsius temperature drop for each kilometer of altitude?

Yes, on average, the temperature decreases by about 6.5 degrees Celsius for every kilometer increase in altitude. This is known as the environmental lapse rate and is a general rule of thumb, although actual rates may vary due to factors like humidity and weather conditions.

Drag and drop the terms with their corresponding definition?

There are many teachers who create programs for their students where they have to drag and drop the terms with their corresponding definition. Teachers like this as a learning tool.

What effect does altitude have on engine thrust at a constant rpm?

Thrust would drop as altitude goes up.

What can happen if you had a sudden drop on boiler steam pressure without a corresponding drop in boiler water temperature?

BOILER EXPLOSION- Caused by a sudden drop in pressure (failure on the steam side) without acorresponding drop in temperature.

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How many feet did the atomic bombs drop?

In very rough figures the B-29s were flying at about 30000 feet of altitude when they dropped the bombs and the bombs exploded at about 1500 feet of altitude. You can estimate from there.

You can copy data using drag and drop by holding down shift as you drag True or False?

False. That would move the data.

Does air drop quickly in altitude during tornadoes?

No. Air in a tornado rapidly rises in altitude. Air may sink gently in the centers of some tornadoes. As a tornado strikes, air pressure drops rapidly.

What can be done to raise the boiling point of water?

All you have to do to reduce the boiling point of water is go to a higher altitude and boil it.

What is the relationship between temperature and altitude in the troposphere?

Temperature and altitude are inversely proportional in the troposphere. This means that as one increases, the other decreases. Approximately 165 meters up in the troposphere is equivalent to a 1 degree Celsius drop.

What is mesophere?

The mesosphere is:Temperature drop with altitude;this is the coldest layer of the atmosphere.Meteors burn up in this layer.Radio waves reflected to Earth in this layer.Thank you.

True or false turbulence in airflow causes friction drop?

False. Turbulence in airflow does not cause friction drop. Turbulence can actually increase drag and resistance in airflow, leading to more energy consumption and potentially reducing the overall efficiency of a system.