you can drop the remainder and you can use the remainder as your quotient or you can add one too the quoitient.
You don't!
u have to drop the zeros to make it even
Yes because there is no legit remainder. If you do 4 divided by 2 you get 2 with a 0 remainder or no remainder.
you can drop the remainder and you can use the remainder as your quotient or you can add one too the quoitient.
You don't!
a group or part that are left
u have to drop the zeros to make it even
Yes because there is no legit remainder. If you do 4 divided by 2 you get 2 with a 0 remainder or no remainder.
You will need to feed the next highest amount available on the drop down menu. Or you can feed 13 pounds and then get the remainder by putting the horse in the meadow.
As for example 23/8 = 2 with a remainder of 7