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it is fals geogrophers look at many reagons and study much more than individual cities and landforms

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Q: Is it true or false that geographers only look at individual cities and landforms?
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Is it true or false that geographers only look at cities and land forms?

False - weather also falls into the catagory of "geography".

Is it True or False that geographers use mapsglobesand computers to study people and places?

It is false. Geographers do not use mapsglobesand computers to study people and places.

Is it true or false ta landforms are individual features of the land like mountains and valleys?

True. Landforms are individual features of the land, such as mountains, valleys, plains, and plateaus, that result from various geological processes like erosion, tectonic activity, and weathering.

Do landforms cause weathering?

Yes, landforms can influence the rate and type of weathering that occurs in an area. For example, mountains can experience more mechanical weathering due to freeze-thaw cycles, while coastal areas may experience more chemical weathering due to exposure to seawater. Overall, the characteristics of a landform can impact the weathering processes that occur there.

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False. The concept of continental drift and the idea that continents could fit together like pieces of a puzzle was proposed in the early 20th century by Alfred Wegener, a meteorologist, not by geographers in the 1500s.

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No, this is not entirely true. North America features a variety of landform orientations, including mountain ranges like the Rockies that run north to south. Additionally, bodies of water like the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes run in various directions.

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