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Q: Is it true that the percentage of people living in cities is expected to decrease by the year 2030?
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What are the two dimensions of urbanization?

an increase in the number of people living in cities and an increase in the percentage living in cities

What is the world's current urbanization rate?

The world's current urbanization rate is approximately 55%, with more than half of the global population living in urban areas. This rate is expected to increase as more people move to cities for better economic opportunities and quality of life.

How has the population decreased since the one child policy?

No, The population increased because people are living longer. It is expected to decrease later on.

How much of the world is urban?

In 2005, the percentage of world population living in cities was estimated at 49% .

The percentage of African Americans living in large cities is now approximately?

More than half of all African Americans now live in central cities.

What percentage of people live in rural areas in Italy?

There has been a worldwide increase in the percentage of population living in cities. In Italy the city population in 1950 was 54.1%, as of 2010 the percentage is now 68.4% and is expected to keep rising.

What percent of Chinese people live in large towns and cities?

it s the percent you read from coco bannanas

Is it true that a general decrease in people's discretionary income will lead to a decrease in cost of living and living standards?

A general decrease in discretionary income generally leads to a decrease in living standards.

As the percentage of people living in Canada and cities continues to grow one problem that Canadians do not face is .?

Preventing over crowding

By 1910 what percentage of people in America were living in cities?

Approximately one-third of all Americans lived in cities in 1910. One-third is the fractional part considered to be equivalent to 33.33 percent.

What is the Percentage of blacks living in larger cities?

The percentage of African Americans living in larger cities in the United States is approximately 50%. Major metropolitan areas like New York, Chicago, and Atlanta have significant African American populations, contributing to a higher concentration in urban areas.

What percentage of people live in urban areas in japan?

Approximately 92% of people in Japan live in urban areas. Japan has a high population density, with a significant portion living in cities and metropolitan areas.