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Q: Is it true or false that the locus of points idea can be used to define a straight line and circle more complex shapes such as parabolas must be defined a different way?
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Although locus of points can be used to define a straight line and circle more complex shapes such as parabolas must be defined a different way?


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A parabola is a specific type of curve that is U-shaped and is defined by a quadratic equation. A curve, on the other hand, is a more general term that encompasses any continuous and smooth line that may have various shapes and equations. So, all parabolas are curves, but not all curves are parabolas.

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No because a defined straight line has 2 end points.

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A straight line extending from a point?

You just defined a ray. ■

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Straight is defined as continuing in the same direction, without bends or curves; such as a line. In slang terminology, straight means heterosexual.

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