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Yes, the set of happy people is not well defined.

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7y ago

No, it is not well defined. "Happy" means different things to different people.

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Is set of happy people is well defined?

Yes ! If you have a group of sincerely happy people, you'll notice how calm, relaxed, and friendly they are. They would definitely be very well-defined to others !

Is a set of happy people well defined or not and why?

A set of happy people is not well-defined because happiness is subjective and can vary greatly from person to person. What makes one person happy may not necessarily make another person happy. Therefore, it is difficult to objectively define a set of happy people.

Is a set of happy people well defined or not?

Yes, Because they all have the same emotions no one is sad and everyone is happy. -N.C.A

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its not well defined because not all the students/people like the teachers,so it is not well defined

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Elements that have to be defined by personal judgement. Such as the set ofgreat songs is not well-defined. But the set of the English alphabet is well-defined.

What are not well defined of a set?

Elements that have to be defined by personal judgement. Such as the set ofgreat songs is not well-defined. But the set of the English alphabet is well-defined.

Is set of of good teachers is Well define?

its not well defined because not all the students/people like the teachers,so it is not well defined

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Is the set of big people well defined or not?

No, it is not well defined. "Big" means different things to different people. For example, to a toddler, a teenager is big, to an adult a teenager is not.

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well defined

How do you describe and illustrate well defined sets?

The description of a well defined set clealy states what is in the set. For example, "deciduous trees" is a set that only includes trees that are deciduous. No conifers or non-deciduous trees are in the set. "Tall trees" is not well defined because the members of the set depends on what "tall" means to different people. Well-defined sets can be illustrated by using pictures of what would be inside and outside a circle to show which would and would not be in the set.

Which is not well defined set?

If there exists even one single item for which you cannot say whether it is in the set or not, the set is not well defined.