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Q: Is it true or false that the presence of casts in urine sediment always indicates a pathologic condition?
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How would a variety of forams found in different layers of sediment help a geologist find oil?

There presence indicates organic material which is likely to have been changed in to oil.

The ease with which water flows through the open spaces in a rock or sediment indicates the of the rock or sediment?


The ease with which water flows through the open spaces in a rock or sediment indicates the what of the rock or sediment?

The ease with which water flows through the open spaces in a rock or sediment indicates the permeability of the rock or sediment. Permeability refers to the ability of fluids to flow through the rock or sediment. A more permeable rock or sediment will have higher porosity and allow for better fluid flow.

What stream load has gravel and rocks?

A stream with gravel and rocks typically has a higher sediment load. The presence of gravel and rocks indicates that the stream has the ability to transport larger particles, which increases its sediment load compared to streams with smaller particles like sand or silt.

When all the particles in a sediment are about the same size the sediment is said to be?

When all the particles in a sediment are about the same size, the sediment is said to be well-sorted. This typically indicates that the sediment has been through a sorting process, such as transportation by water or wind, that has separated particles by size. Well-sorted sediments often have better porosity and permeability properties.

How do you use sediment in a sentence?

The sediment at the bottom of the river indicated the presence of pollution in the water. After the wine had been sitting for a while, sediment began to form at the bottom of the bottle. The archaeologists carefully sifted through the sediment to find any artifacts or relics from ancient civilizations.

How long does it take a sediment to form?

The time it takes for sediment to form can vary greatly depending on factors such as the type of sediment, environmental conditions, and the presence of organic material. In general, sediment deposition can occur slowly over thousands to millions of years, with layers building up gradually through processes like erosion, transportation, and deposition.

What are features of deposition?

when sediments are being droped of from a lake

What kind of rock indicates the short-distance transport of sediment?

Conglomerate rock indicates short-distance transport of sediment. Conglomerate is composed of large, rounded fragments that have not traveled far from their source, suggesting a shorter transportation distance compared to other types of sedimentary rocks.

Is heinz apple cider vinegar pasteurized?

Yes, it is filtered and pasteurized. Look for ACV that has a sediment on the bottom of the bottle. This indicates that it is alive and is unpasteurized.

What certain things that form sediment are considered an indicator species?

Certain types of diatoms and foraminifera are considered indicator species for sediment formation. These organisms have specific environmental requirements that make them good indicators of water quality and sediment conditions. By studying their presence, scientists can learn about past environmental conditions and changes in ecosystems.

What does it mean when Amorphous sediment is found in your urine?

what is the meaning of amorphous urates :rare