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Q: Is it true or false that you can feel pulse in veins?
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Is it true or false that the faster your heartbeats the slower your pulse will be?

That is false. Your pulse is a measure of your heart rate. The faster your heart beats, the higher (faster) your pulse will be.

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True or false a sphygmomanometer is used to take the apical pulse?

False, because the apical pulse is the heartbeat and is heard with a stethoscope. The sphygmomanometer is used to take the pulse on the arm.

A person could still have a pulse even if they were not breathing True or False?


Most veins carry deoxygenated blood true or false?

It is very true that most all veins carry deoxygenated blood.

Is it true that the pulse can be felt on arteries but not on veins?

Yes, it's true. The beating of the heart only drives blood in the arteries. As the blood passes from the arteries to the capillaries and then to the veins, it ceases to be pumped by the heart, so no pulse can be felt. Blood in the veins returns to the heart because of the valves in the veins, and because of general muscular contractions in the body, rather than because of the heart.

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When was Strange but True created?

We feel strange and false or seem true or normal They seem false or strange and feel normal or true. They can feel false to seem strange. There is a person strange to make them be normal as this result. There be this person normal in that world.

If you want to identify a base you feel it is that true or false?

that is dangerous. so its false

True or false viens minerals were once in solution?

True. Veins minerals are deposited from solutions like water that flow through cracks in rocks, carrying dissolved minerals which crystallize and form veins as the solution evaporates or cools.

What is the output from an AND gate if the two inputs each carry a pulse?

The output from an AND gate is TRUE if both inputs are TRUE. If each input is given a pulse, the output will pulse, but only for the time that the two input pulses overlap each other in time. If the input pulses do not overlap, the output will do nothing.This answer assumes that the input pulses are from FALSE to TRUE and back to FALSE. In the reverse case, the output will pulse whenever either input is pulsed and, if the inputs overlap in time, the output will simply be one longer pulse.