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No, mathematics and writing skills are completely separate skill sets, most people are either good at one or the other, few are good at both. It's a good idea to work on your writing skills but in most math based jobs like accounting and engineering, you don't need writing skills as much as your mathematical skills.

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Q: Is it true that if you are good at mathematics but not at writing papers you are not an accountant?
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How could one be good at math but bad at writing essays and vice versa?

Mathematics and Writing are total polar opposites: people who are great with math have a load of difficulty with essays and the same rule goes for people who are good at writing papers

Are engineers good at writing papers?

No, many engineers are not good at writing papers. But they are more valuable to their employers if they can write reasonably well. In general, engineers are not that good at writing papers.( They even have issues with handwriting.

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They are not necessarily so. Often engineers have fine minds and can do complex mathematics and are abstract thinkers etc. However, they are not always good communicators and not always good at writing papers. Quite often they can draft a paper and get another person to heavily edit to make more readable.

Is it true that if you are good at math but not writing you will never be an accountant?

No, it is not true. Writing skills can be improved.

Should you be ashamed of the fact that you are better at math than at writing papers?

You need not be ashamed, but why do you simply accept that you are not as good at writing papers? Can you not learn to do better at that as well?You need not be ashamed, but why do you simply accept that you are not as good at writing papers? Can you not learn to do better at that as well?You need not be ashamed, but why do you simply accept that you are not as good at writing papers? Can you not learn to do better at that as well?You need not be ashamed, but why do you simply accept that you are not as good at writing papers? Can you not learn to do better at that as well?

Why is it that some people who are good at mathematics terrible at writing essays or papers?

People who are more dominant in the left side of their brain are more logical and are better at math. Those that favor their right side are more creative and better at writing.

Is it true that if you are not good at writing you will never be an accountant?

no being an accountant means a lot of math i don't think there's a lot of writing if your terrible at math its OK just keep practicing and never give up and then you can be an accountant

What careers are for people who are excellent at Mathematics but terrible at English writing?

one who is extremely good at math could easily become an accountant, or if you're good with your hands, a carpenter. maybe even a math teacher. all the possibilities are there, you just need to look.

Why is it that essay writing is hard for me if I'm good at mathematics?

You probably like the mathematics aspect more than you prefer essay writing.

Is it true that if you are good at mathematics but not at essay writing you are not smart?


Are engineers very good at writing papers?

Yes they are

Are engineers really good at writing papers?

It depends on the person, if they are really good at writing:then yes. If they went into engineering because they weren't good at writing them: no