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No, it is not true. Writing skills can be improved.

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Q: Is it true that if you are good at math but not writing you will never be an accountant?
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What college majors are the least writing intensive?

Math, Engineering and the Hard Sciences(except biology lol), however, regardless of the major, you have to be good at some level of writing.

Are you more than likely to fail physics chemistry and engineering if you are good at math but bad at essays that are 1000 words or more?

You'll need both math skills and writing skills. You should definitely practice writing essays. Not only will this help you in the short term, but you'll need writing skills later on for many different jobs.

Can you be an engineer if you are good at math but a bad writer?

It is not at all abnormal for an engineer to be good at math but bad at writing because one who is good at math tends to do problems in his own less time consuming way. In this process he deviates from his good writing skills (if he has any), to reach the solution However it is extraordinary for an engineer to be both good at math and writing and abnormal for being bad at both!

Will physics chemistry and engineering be difficult for you if you are good at math but bad at writing 2000 word essays?

Not necessarily. They may be difficult for you if you're the sort of person that thinks this question makes sense, though.

Is it true that if you are good at math you will fail chemistry physics and engineering?

The short answer is no. Physics, Chemistry and Engineering are nothing but applying math to the real world. So if you are good at math, you will likely do well. Writing becomes important with things like lab reports in school. In the real world, if you are going into one of these disciplines, writing may become important if you need to put together a technical document or wish to publish a paper on something that you are researching.

Related questions

Is it true that if you are not good at writing you will never be an accountant?

no being an accountant means a lot of math i don't think there's a lot of writing if your terrible at math its OK just keep practicing and never give up and then you can be an accountant

Is it true that if you are good at math but not good at writing you will never be an accountant?

That is an over simplification. You need to be able to write understandably in most any job that is not primarily manual labor. But for many jobs you don't have to be "good at writing," just able to do it understandably, using standard grammar and vocabulary. Of course, it helps if you are better than that. But if you are not good enough at writing, you can learn how to be better at it. There are courses just for that purpose.

Are there some skills needed to be an accountant?

you have to be good at math

What subject do you require for an accountant?

Math good with numbers

What careers are for people who are excellent at Mathematics but terrible at English writing?

one who is extremely good at math could easily become an accountant, or if you're good with your hands, a carpenter. maybe even a math teacher. all the possibilities are there, you just need to look.

What careers are for dyslexic people who are excellent at Math?

If you are good at Math, you can still get a high class job such as an accountant nevertheless.

What careers are suitable for those who are good at math but not programming?

A mathematician or simply an accountant

Is it true that if you are good at mathematics but not at writing papers you are not an accountant?

No, mathematics and writing skills are completely separate skill sets, most people are either good at one or the other, few are good at both. It's a good idea to work on your writing skills but in most math based jobs like accounting and engineering, you don't need writing skills as much as your mathematical skills.

what kind of math is used in accountant majors?

Math 1333 or higher is used in a accountant major.

What are some good career choices that involve working with numbers?

Accountant, Math teacher or engineer.

How could one be good at math but bad at writing essays?

YES. Usually, if you are good at Math, you are not as good at writing because there are many options and creative decisions. In Math there is just ONE correct answer, and that answer only.

Why are you good at math but not at writing?

Math and writing are two different types of work. Writing uses creativity and knowledge. Math requires crittical thinking and problem solving skills.