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Q: Is it true that landowners did not see entrepreneurs as equals until the late 1880s?
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How did landowners and aristocrats view wealthy members of the middle class?

Landowners looked down on those who had made their fortunes in the "vulgar" business world. Not until late in the 1800s were rich entrepreneurs considered the social equals of the lords of the countryside.The changes that industrialization brought about for the large landowners and aristocrats was dwindling power and respect due to the amassing of wealth by merchants,factory owners, and investment bankers.

When were seat belts invented?

Seat belts were invented early in the 1880s, but were not patented (by a different person than the inventor) until late in the 1880s.

Was thete electricity in the 1880s?

No. It isn't invented until a few years later.

What happen to sharecroppers who could not pay their debts to landowners?

They would be indebted to the landowners. They would have to find other ways to pay for the debts or be stuck to the land until it was paid off.

What would happen to sharecroppers who could not pay their debt to landowners?

They would be indebted to the landowners. They would have to find other ways to pay for the debts or be stuck to the land until it was paid off.

What would happen to sharecroppers who would not pay their debts to landowners?

They would be indebted to the landowners. They would have to find other ways to pay for the debts or be stuck to the land until it was paid off.

Who dominated the oil industry in the 1880s?

John D. Rockefeller. Apex :)

Is motivational a personality?

Usually entrepreneurs are self-motivated. However, not all entrepreneurs are not motivated until they are doing what they enjoy. Entrepreneurs make the best of each experience and try to improve... if you can't find a better way to do something, why do it? Entrepreneurs are also usually very good at networking, which is an exciting experience, and is key for acquiring capital (:D). hopefully this helped!

Is entrepreneur a motivated person?

Usually entrepreneurs are self-motivated. However, not all entrepreneurs are not motivated until they are doing what they enjoy. Entrepreneurs make the best of each experience and try to improve... if you can't find a better way to do something, why do it? Entrepreneurs are also usually very good at networking, which is an exciting experience, and is key for acquiring capital (:D). hopefully this helped!

Were labor unions strong before 1880?

No, labor unions did not become major factors until the late 1880s and turn of the century.

When was Benito Juarez in jail?

Several times, from 1831 until 1834 as he defended Native American rights against rich landowners.

Is 3x 5 an equation?

Not until it equals something. Equations have equals signs.