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Q: Is it true that the equal sign precedes a formula?
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What a good way to explain the equal sign?

The equal sign is a statement that says that anything on the left side of the sign is equal (represents the same number) as anything on the right side. For example: 5 = 2 + 3 (this is a true statement) 1 = 2 (I am stating that both are equal, which is not a true statement) x + 5 = 7 (an "open sentence", which becomes true if you replace a specific value for the variable "x", in this case, 2).

Is -9 6 0 a true equation?

That's not an equation, it has no equal sign. It seems that when typing a question, the equal sign and some other signs get eliminated on this site; you'll have to write the equal sign as "equals" or "equal"; similarly for some other special symbols.

Is this equation true -9 plus 6 0?

To be called an "equation", it must have an equal sign.

How could you change 7x8 to make a true number sentence?

Put a equal sign at the end

What does the pink equal sign with fangs in a red box mean?

The pink equal sign with fangs is HBO's Series: True Blood and a version of the gay marriage equality sign.See the related link.

What is different between equals equals and equals method in java?

== (the double equal sign) is used to compare two values (resulting in true if they are equal, false otherwise). = (a single equal sign) is used to assign a value to a variable.

What does x equals x mean?

The "equals" means that you claim that whatever is on the left of the equal sign is the same as whatever is on the right of the equal sign. In this case, it is claimed that x is the same as x - a true claim.

What does the equal sign signify in an Excel document?

All formulas in Excel must begin with an equals sign. If that is not done, it will not recognise formulas you are trying to put it and treat them as text. You can also use the equals sign to compare things. It will either give TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the values are equal or not. In the following, the first equals is used to start a formula and second one is used to compare the values in cells A2 and B2: =A2=B2

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What is an Equations and a inequalities?

An equation consists of an equal sign, and an expression on each side of it. The equal sign states that the two parts are equal. Examples: 3 = 3 4 = 5 x + 1 = 7 (The first is true, the second is false, the truth of the third one depends on the value assigned to "x"; but all three are equations.) An inequality is similar, but the equal sign is replaced by one of the following signs: less-than, less-than-or-equal, greater-than, greater-than or equal.

Is money a sign of true love?

no money is not a sign of true love.the signs of true love are care and affection

What is true about Excel formulas?

Lots of things are true about Excel formulas. An important thing is that they must begin with the equals sign. It is important that the syntax used is correct, particularly if the formula includes functions. You cannot have a formula that refers to the cell that the formula is in, as this creates what is called a circular reference. Formula with standard calculations always follow the rules of mathematics, so things apply like you cannot have a formula that divides something by zero, as that is mathematically impossible and formulas with calculations will follow the rules of precedence of operators. These are just some of the things that are true about Excel formulas.Lots of things are true about Excel formulas. An important thing is that they must begin with the equals sign. It is important that the syntax used is correct, particularly if the formula includes functions. You cannot have a formula that refers to the cell that the formula is in, as this creates what is called a circular reference. Formula with standard calculations always follow the rules of mathematics, so things apply like you cannot have a formula that divides something by zero, as that is mathematically impossible and formulas with calculations will follow the rules of precedence of operators. These are just some of the things that are true about Excel formulas.Lots of things are true about Excel formulas. An important thing is that they must begin with the equals sign. It is important that the syntax used is correct, particularly if the formula includes functions. You cannot have a formula that refers to the cell that the formula is in, as this creates what is called a circular reference. Formula with standard calculations always follow the rules of mathematics, so things apply like you cannot have a formula that divides something by zero, as that is mathematically impossible and formulas with calculations will follow the rules of precedence of operators. These are just some of the things that are true about Excel formulas.Lots of things are true about Excel formulas. An important thing is that they must begin with the equals sign. It is important that the syntax used is correct, particularly if the formula includes functions. You cannot have a formula that refers to the cell that the formula is in, as this creates what is called a circular reference. Formula with standard calculations always follow the rules of mathematics, so things apply like you cannot have a formula that divides something by zero, as that is mathematically impossible and formulas with calculations will follow the rules of precedence of operators. These are just some of the things that are true about Excel formulas.Lots of things are true about Excel formulas. An important thing is that they must begin with the equals sign. It is important that the syntax used is correct, particularly if the formula includes functions. You cannot have a formula that refers to the cell that the formula is in, as this creates what is called a circular reference. Formula with standard calculations always follow the rules of mathematics, so things apply like you cannot have a formula that divides something by zero, as that is mathematically impossible and formulas with calculations will follow the rules of precedence of operators. These are just some of the things that are true about Excel formulas.Lots of things are true about Excel formulas. An important thing is that they must begin with the equals sign. It is important that the syntax used is correct, particularly if the formula includes functions. You cannot have a formula that refers to the cell that the formula is in, as this creates what is called a circular reference. Formula with standard calculations always follow the rules of mathematics, so things apply like you cannot have a formula that divides something by zero, as that is mathematically impossible and formulas with calculations will follow the rules of precedence of operators. These are just some of the things that are true about Excel formulas.Lots of things are true about Excel formulas. An important thing is that they must begin with the equals sign. It is important that the syntax used is correct, particularly if the formula includes functions. You cannot have a formula that refers to the cell that the formula is in, as this creates what is called a circular reference. Formula with standard calculations always follow the rules of mathematics, so things apply like you cannot have a formula that divides something by zero, as that is mathematically impossible and formulas with calculations will follow the rules of precedence of operators. These are just some of the things that are true about Excel formulas.Lots of things are true about Excel formulas. An important thing is that they must begin with the equals sign. It is important that the syntax used is correct, particularly if the formula includes functions. You cannot have a formula that refers to the cell that the formula is in, as this creates what is called a circular reference. Formula with standard calculations always follow the rules of mathematics, so things apply like you cannot have a formula that divides something by zero, as that is mathematically impossible and formulas with calculations will follow the rules of precedence of operators. These are just some of the things that are true about Excel formulas.Lots of things are true about Excel formulas. An important thing is that they must begin with the equals sign. It is important that the syntax used is correct, particularly if the formula includes functions. You cannot have a formula that refers to the cell that the formula is in, as this creates what is called a circular reference. Formula with standard calculations always follow the rules of mathematics, so things apply like you cannot have a formula that divides something by zero, as that is mathematically impossible and formulas with calculations will follow the rules of precedence of operators. These are just some of the things that are true about Excel formulas.Lots of things are true about Excel formulas. An important thing is that they must begin with the equals sign. It is important that the syntax used is correct, particularly if the formula includes functions. You cannot have a formula that refers to the cell that the formula is in, as this creates what is called a circular reference. Formula with standard calculations always follow the rules of mathematics, so things apply like you cannot have a formula that divides something by zero, as that is mathematically impossible and formulas with calculations will follow the rules of precedence of operators. These are just some of the things that are true about Excel formulas.Lots of things are true about Excel formulas. An important thing is that they must begin with the equals sign. It is important that the syntax used is correct, particularly if the formula includes functions. You cannot have a formula that refers to the cell that the formula is in, as this creates what is called a circular reference. Formula with standard calculations always follow the rules of mathematics, so things apply like you cannot have a formula that divides something by zero, as that is mathematically impossible and formulas with calculations will follow the rules of precedence of operators. These are just some of the things that are true about Excel formulas.