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A dependent variable is non manipulative and is affected by the manipulations of the independent variable. In the case given, the different levels of family stress like high and low can be siad as different levels of a dependent varible i.e. stress. So, family stress can be a dependent variable but not the levels of stress

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Q: Is levels of family stress a dependent variable?
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Dummy variable as an independent variable?

An independent variable is the variable you have control over, what you can choose and manipulate. It is usually what you think will affect the dependent variable. In some cases, you may not be able to manipulate the independent variable. It may be something that is already there and is fixed, something you would like to evaluate with respect to how it affects something else, the dependent variable like color, kind, time. Example: You are interested in how stress affects heart rate in humans. Your independent variable would be the stress and the dependent variable would be the heart rate. You can directly manipulate stress levels in your human subjects and measure how those stress levels change heart rate.

What does dependant variable mean?

See link for the Wikipedia article. The dependent variable is sometimes called response variable, or outcome variable. During what year of school, K thru 12, do kids experience the greatest average change in height (or weight)? You are "manipulating" what year of school a child is in. You aren't making any changes on this-- this is just your independent variable. You are going to measure height change for each child, so a starting and ending measure is needed. Height is the dependent variable.

Why the stress value is taken on y axis not on x axis as it is the cause and strain is effect so why not it is taken on x axis and strain on y axis?

in any graph on horizontal axis we keep the independent variable and on vertical axis the dependent variable. similarly in stress strain diagram the strain is independent variable and stress is dependent variable so due to this reason strain is kept on x-axis and stress is kept on y-axis.

What is a stress fraction?

You might be thinking of a stress fracture; a fracture of a bone caused by repeated (rather than sudden) mechanical stress.

What is the word stress on the word numerical?

The stress is on the second syllable, 'mer'

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A dependent variable is what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment. The dependent variable responds to the independent variable. It is called dependent because it "depends" on the independent variable. In a scientific experiment, you cannot have a dependent variable without an independent variable. Example: You are interested in how stress affects heart rate in humans. Your independent variable would be the stress and the dependent variable would be the heart rate. You can directly manipulate stress levels in your human subjects and measure how those stress levels change heart rate.

Dummy variable as an independent variable?

An independent variable is the variable you have control over, what you can choose and manipulate. It is usually what you think will affect the dependent variable. In some cases, you may not be able to manipulate the independent variable. It may be something that is already there and is fixed, something you would like to evaluate with respect to how it affects something else, the dependent variable like color, kind, time. Example: You are interested in how stress affects heart rate in humans. Your independent variable would be the stress and the dependent variable would be the heart rate. You can directly manipulate stress levels in your human subjects and measure how those stress levels change heart rate.

What does dependant variable mean?

See link for the Wikipedia article. The dependent variable is sometimes called response variable, or outcome variable. During what year of school, K thru 12, do kids experience the greatest average change in height (or weight)? You are "manipulating" what year of school a child is in. You aren't making any changes on this-- this is just your independent variable. You are going to measure height change for each child, so a starting and ending measure is needed. Height is the dependent variable.

What would be the independent and the dependent variable of post traumatic play in children exposed to terrorism?

In children exposed to terrorism, the terrorism would be the independent variable because it is the cause of the post traumatic stress. The post traumatic stress would be the dependent variable because it would not have happened without the terrorism.

Why the stress value is taken on y axis not on x axis as it is the cause and strain is effect so why not it is taken on x axis and strain on y axis?

in any graph on horizontal axis we keep the independent variable and on vertical axis the dependent variable. similarly in stress strain diagram the strain is independent variable and stress is dependent variable so due to this reason strain is kept on x-axis and stress is kept on y-axis.

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The independent variable in this hypothesis is having a pet. It is the variable that is being manipulated or changed to observe its effect on stress levels.

In question 7 suppose your hypothesis is that job stress apears to lead to reduced job effiency In that case job stress is the variable?

a. dependent

What is an example of intervening variable?

An example of an intervening variable is stress, which can impact the relationship between hours of sleep and academic performance. In this case, stress mediates the relationship by influencing both the amount of sleep a person gets and their academic performance.

What is the difference between controlled or contrast and manipulated or tested variables?

A manipulated variable is the variable that has been changed in the experiment. A responding variable is the variable that has been kept through the whole experiment.

Which is the stress in the word dependent?

The second.

Can school popularity effect a girls stress levels?

yeah it can affect anyones stress levels.

Would a massage chair help me to reduce my stress levels and aid relaxation?

Massage is a way of relaxing and lowering stress levels. Studies have proven that people tend to have lowered stress levels after being massaged. A massage chair would indeed aid you in the reduction of stress levels.