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in any graph on horizontal axis we keep the independent variable and on vertical axis the dependent variable. similarly in stress strain diagram the strain is independent variable and stress is dependent variable so due to this reason strain is kept on x-axis and stress is kept on y-axis.

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Q: Why the stress value is taken on y axis not on x axis as it is the cause and strain is effect so why not it is taken on x axis and strain on y axis?
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What is a base rate fallacy?

A base rate fallacy is a common error in logical reasoning where an effect is attributed to an incorrect cause due to incorrect statistical data based on statistical ratios not being taken into account.

What is a compound noun that means for an action taken to prevent or undo the effect to another action?

preventive actions

How do you calculate cross sectional area of wire for young's modulus?

You could use a micrometer to measure its diameter. Preferably measure at several locations and use the average. Then cross-sectional area = (1/4)*pi*d2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a cheaper alternative: A=V/L where, A= the cross-sectional area of the wire V= the volume of the wire, measured using water displacement. L= the length of the wire, measured using a ruler also if the wire gauge is known simply use the following formula to obtain diameter: D=.005*92^((36-gauge#)/39) As far as young's modulus calculation goes, here is the general procedure: Catalog the force applied to both ends of the wire with time. use a strain gauge to measure the axial strain with time. calculate the engineering stress using S=F/A. plot the stress verses axial strain and then isolate the elastic portion of the plot. This is the portion of the plot where the slope is constant. The slope can be taken as Young's Modulus.

How does the length of the pendulum effect the pendulum?

The longer the length of the pendulum, the longer the time taken for the pendulum to complete 1 oscillation.

How do you use taken in a sentence?

Here are some examples of the word taken in a sentence: She had her picture taken for the yearbook. Who could have taken my car keys? How many college credits have you taken so far?

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What are the Stress-strain characteristics of ductile materials?

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E is generally taken to be the elastic constant known as Young's modulus which describes the relationship between axial stress and axial strain where Hooke's law still applies (i.e. linear elasticity). Nu is Poisson's ratio which is the relationship between axial strain and radial or transverse strain. For more information, please see the related link.

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It depends.... if the owner of the pet is abusing it then they CAN be taken away from the owner....

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