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Yes. For example, to differentiate y = (x^2 + 1)^x, we take the natural log of both sides.ln(y) = ln((x^2 + 1)^x)

Bring down the exponent.

ln(y) = x ln(x^2 + 1)

Differentiate both sides.

dy/y = ((2x^2)/(x^2 + 1) + ln(x^2 + 1)) dx

Substitute in y = (x^2 + 1)^x.

dy/((x^2 + 1)^x) =((2x^2)/(x^2 + 1) + ln(x^2 + 1)) dx

Solve for dy/dx.

dy/dx = ((x^2 + 1)^x)((2x^2)/(x^2 + 1) + ln(x^2 + 1))

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Q: Is logarithmic differentiation specially useful when dealing with functions with exponent that also depend on x?
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To calculate the derivate of a power, where both the base and the exponent are functions of x, requires a technique called logarithmic derivation. I'll leave the details to you; it is not particularly difficult. You can look up "logarithmic differentiation" in the Wikipedia for some examples.

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A log is just another way to write an exponent. Log functions are used to make some very complicated computations easier.

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logarithmic function is used to simplify complex mathematical calculation. FOR example- Tedious multi-digit multiplication steps can be replaced by table look-ups and simpler addition because of the fact-important in its own right-that the logarithm of a product is the sum of the logarithms of the factors:if someone needs to calculate value of 2.33153.017 he can calculate it by using logarithmic function.The logarithm of a number is the exponent by which another fixed value, the base, has to be raised to produce that number. For example, the logarithm of 1000 to base 10 is 3

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The given equation is exponential, not logarithmic!The logarithmic equation equivalent to ea= 47.38 isa = ln(47.38)ora = log(47.38)/log(e)The given equation is exponential, not logarithmic!The logarithmic equation equivalent to ea= 47.38 isa = ln(47.38)ora = log(47.38)/log(e)The given equation is exponential, not logarithmic!The logarithmic equation equivalent to ea= 47.38 isa = ln(47.38)ora = log(47.38)/log(e)The given equation is exponential, not logarithmic!The logarithmic equation equivalent to ea= 47.38 isa = ln(47.38)ora = log(47.38)/log(e)

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That you have an exponential function. These functions are typical for certain practical problems, such as population growth, or radioactive decay (with a negative exponent in this case).

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Logb (x)=y is called the logarithmic form where logb means log with base b So to put this in exponential form we let b be the base and y the exponent by=x Here is an example log2 8=3 since 23 =8. In this case the term on the left is the logarithmic form while the one of the right is the exponential form.

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How do we change from logarithmic form to exponential form if it doesn't have a exponent?

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