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I don't think if you lust after someone it is a sin, but if you act on it...well, that's a different story. But, overall I think no one has the right to judge you or your actions...only god. However The Bible says in Matt. 5:27-28 "You have heard it said by them of old time Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery; But i say unto you anyone who looks at a woman to lust after has already commited aldultery in his heart"

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Lust is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.








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Q: Is lusting a sin
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I don't think so as long as your not lusting over real people I see it okay, but I am agnostic I have studied the bible and the curran.

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By definition yes, said person could be lusting to be in a relationship. Lusting can be defined as, a strong desire for something. So if you crave being in a relationship and have a strong desire for it, or the person you want to be with, then yes you could call it lusting. It doesn't always have to necessarily be a sexual desire.

What creates lust?

It's when your feeling lonely and the need to feel affection from someone who seems to caught your eye. But to lust is a sin especially when your not married, because lust often turns into sexuallyactivities which you got to be careful on, because there's alot of STD out in the world, with out the cure. So be careful, so if you lusting for somebody make sure that somebody is worth lusting for.

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He sat in the bar lusting after a tall, shapely blonde even though he married a beautiful redhead last week.

What has the author Rt Rev F W A Lusting written?

Rt. Rev. F. W. A. Lusting has written: 'Classical Burmese music prepared for piano'

Im a girl is lusting after girls ok?

yes there is no harm in it

What does the word pining mean?

lusting for or a deep longing for someone

What doe the word obsession have to do with evil?

Obsession is a lust for something which would go hand in hand with the 7 deadly sins. By being obsessed you are craving or lusting over something or someone, therefore, committing to a deadly sin which, according to the bible, is considered evil.

Can you trust a womans love for you when she forgets you when she lusting after another man?

Answer No. If a woman really loves a man she will not be lusting after other men. I know someone who is not even currently in a relationship with the guy she loves and she still has no interest in other men much less lusting after one. She's so in love with the guy you couldn't DRAG her to a date with a man.

What is the phrase I'm lusting after mean?

The phrase "I'm lusting after" typically means having a strong desire or craving for something or someone, usually in a physical or sexual way. It implies a deep longing or passion that may be difficult to resist.