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Q: Is more than one scale sometimes possible?
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Can a printed map have more than one scale?

yes a map can have more than one scale

Can there be more than one outlier?

Of course. In a large sampling of data, a relatively small group of outliers is possible.

Sometimes a dilation is an enlargement and sometimes it is a reduction. Explain what types of numbers for scale factors causes each.?

A scale factor whose absolute value is greater than one is an enlargement whereas if the absolute value is less than 1 it is a reduction.

Is pH scale range is less than 0?

No, the pH scale range is typically from 0 to 14. A pH less than 0 is not physically possible in water-based solutions.

Is fat percentage of a food ordinal or interval scale?

It is actually a ratio scale, which is more demanding than an interval scale.

Which is basic on pH scale?

more than 7!

If the distance on the map is 138.4272cm how many miles will the team have to travel?

It is not possible to answer the question without information about the scale used in drawing the map, But it would be more than 150 miles

Why Fahrenheit scale more accurate than celsius scale?

The Fahrenheit scale is not more accurate than the Celsius scale; both are equally accurate in measuring temperature. The choice of scale is a matter of convention and historical development. The Fahrenheit scale is commonly used in the United States, while the Celsius scale is more widely used internationally.

Is using a body fat meter better than a scale?

A body fat meter provides more detailed information about body composition compared to a scale that only measures weight. However, body fat meters can sometimes be less accurate than more sophisticated methods like DEXA scans. It's important to use such tools as part of a comprehensive approach to health and fitness.

How much more on the ricter scale is 4.0 than 1.0?

1000 times more

Are dogs more annoying than cats?

depends, sometimes they are , sometimes not

Can more than one check box be selected in a dialog box?

Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. Depends on if there can be more than one answer to the question.