153, or One hundred fifty-three.
It is 100 followed by 101
We could have used that missing number. In general, the least whole number that will round to the nearest hundred is x50 of the previous one. 650 is the least whole number that will round to 700
81 is the largest square of a whole number...
One trillion one million is the next whole number after one trilion nine hundred ninety nine thousand and ninety nine.
Yes, 101 is a whole number.
one hundred.
one hundred thousand one 100,000 ===> 100,001
it means a number out of the whole number which is one hundred
153, or One hundred fifty-three.
i think so 2 hundred thousand
twenty thousand and one
one hundred one
one hundred one
It is 100 followed by 101
You cannot simplify a whole number
the real answer is 29