A2. YES. A nautical mile is exactly 1852m which is approx 6076 feet.
[It was defined as a 1 minute of arc at the Equator, and this used to be considered 6080 feet, but a re-determination of the length round the equator gives us the lower number.]
A land (Statute) mile is 5280 feet.
Many distances and items are less than one mile. A water bottle, 4 feet, 235 inches, 235234 centimeters, and so on.
A section is a term from the Public Land Survey System, which is a square 1 mile by 1 mile. A square mile is 640 acres. Some surveys had variances from this due to errors or other reasons, but the surveys stand, resulting in some sections having an amount different than 640 acres. But for the most part, a section is 640 acres. See related link.
A mile is much greater than a yard.
Land heats more rapidly and to higher temperatures than water. Land also cools more rapidly and to lower temperatures than water
1 Land mile = 1609.34 Meters 1 Nautical Mile = 1852 Meters The answer is 242.66 Meters
A nautical mile is greater than a statute (land) mile. One nautical mile is equal to about 1.15 statute miles.
Yes, there is more water than land.
Monaco has a land area of approximately 0.78 square miles.
A literal 'mile' is the same wherever you measure it. However, sailors made a measurement (who knows why?) called a nautical mile, which is longer than a mile.
sound waves are faster in water than in land, light waves are faster in land
A quarter acre of land is 2722.5 square feet, so a little more than a mile. Mile=5,280 ft.
There is more water on earth than land.
A nautical mile is 1.1 land miles.
Land would have more species of animals than water but as far as the quantities then water would have a larger number of animals than land.