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Only when an event is probability to happen between a range of 1 to 0 then it is a fraction.

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Q: Is probability always a fraction
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Probabilty always a fraction?

Not always because probability has a range from 1 to 0

Can a probability assume a negative value?

No. Probability is always represented as a positive ratio/fraction/percent.

What is the formula for probability fraction?

Usually, a fraction is already a probability. Like if you roll a die, the probability that you will get a 1 is 1/6. So your probability would be your fraction.

How is probability expressed?

as a fraction

Probability can be written as a: *?


The probability of an impossible event is ______ or ____.?

fraction or possible

Do you write a probability as a fraction?

Yes, the probability of an event is a number between 0 and 1 (both inclusive). You can write it as a fraction - in rational form or as a percentage.

What is the difference between a probability and a fraction?

The probability is always a fraction except when it is 0 or 1. If a probability = 1 then it will definitely happen. If the probability is 0 then it will not happen. If you toss a fair coin the probability of heads is 1/2, and the probability of tails is 1/2. These fractions are representations of the probabilities. Not all fractions are representative of probabilities. Fractions can be used to represent a portion of a whole. Like what portion of a class is boys, and what portion is girls: If there are 8 boys and 7 girls, then the 8/15 of the class is boys, and 7/15 of the class is girls.

Is it possible to have a probability that is an improper fraction?

No, because a probability must lie in the interval [0, 1].

Can the fraction 5 over 4 reprisent a probability?


What is the probabilty of 2 and 5 as a fraction?

2 and 5 are both integers: their probability as a fraction is 0.

Can probability values be negative?

No. Probability values always have to be positive.