

Is read denominator a input

Updated: 9/20/2023
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13y ago

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It can be an input.

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Q: Is read denominator a input
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I would say that a CD-ROM is a form of input, as it is "read only memory" and the data on it can only be read, but not written to. If you're talking about CD-R/CD+R drives, then those would be considered both input and output, as it can read from a CD, and writes to CD.

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Its an input and an output button OR It,s the basic input and output of a read only memory

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You mean read from file/standard input? With function fgets.

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How do you accept an integer or a float or double value as a console input from user in java also you do want to use command line arguments?

This code block will accept input from standard input (console). It will first read in integers until you enter an empty string (just hit enter). Then it will do the same with floats and then with doubles. If you give it bad input, then it will tell you about it and just continue reading in numbers. Note that I didn't touch the command line here, but the process to parse an argument sent in from the command line is the same as below. Just use the try-catch block with args[n] (in place of currentLine) to parse the nth argument. // create an BufferedReader from the standard input stream BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String currentLine = ""; // read integers System.out.print("Input an integer: "); while (!(currentLine = in.readLine()).equals("")) { int input = 0; try { input = Integer.parseInt(currentLine); } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.println("That was not an integer."); } System.out.println("\tInteger read: " + input); System.out.print("Input an integer: "); } // read floats System.out.print("Input an float: "); while (!(currentLine = in.readLine()).equals("")) { float input = 0.0f; try { input = Float.parseFloat(currentLine); } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.println("That was not an float."); } System.out.println("\tFloat read: " + input); System.out.print("Input an float: "); } // read doubles System.out.print("Input an double: "); while (!(currentLine = in.readLine()).equals("")) { double input = 0.0; try { input = Double.parseDouble(currentLine); } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) { System.out.println("That was not an double."); } System.out.println("\tDouble read: " + input); System.out.print("Input an double: "); }