

Is rectangle a symmetric shape

Updated: 12/23/2022
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13y ago

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Yes, a shape is symmetrical if it can be cut in half in any way, and be the same on both sides.

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Q: Is rectangle a symmetric shape
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a circle is symmetric so is a triangle, a rectangle.

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How do you know if a shape is symmetric?

if you fold a shape and it is not crocked or too big or small that and it is equal that is how you know it is a symmetric

What is symmetric in geometry?

square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, triangle, kite

What is the definition of the term symmetric?

Symmetric is a term used to describe an object in size or shape. For example, you could say that an orange is symmetric to the sun or a glass is symmetric to a cone

Is a triangle a symmetric shape yes or no?

Some triangles are symmetric, while others are not. All equilateral and isosceles triangles are symmetric.all triangles are symmetric.

Is a rectangle and parallelgram symmetric?

They both have rotational symmetry - of order 2. But whereas a rectangle has 2 axes of symmetry, a parallelogram has none.

Give you 5 shapes of symmetric shapes?

circle , triangle , square , rectangle , diamond

What shape is C3PO's mouth?

It's a rectangular shape.

Is a rectangle cut diagonal line a symmetric figure?

The shape descibed is not a symmetric figure. If it is folded on the diagonal line described, then the corners would stick off the sides. If the question is implying that they want to fold it in a differant way, then it would not be symmetrical because of the line. The line would not be in the place on both sides.

Can lines of symmetric be drawn in a parallelogram?

A parallelogram has no lines of symmetry unless it is a square, a rectangle or a rhombus.

Is a rectangle a 3 d shape?

No because a rectangle is a 2 dimensional shape