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Q: Is rewriting a number as a multiplication called factoring?
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What is factoring multiplication?

Factor multiplication is the process of multiplying prime factors. The product of factor multiplication is the number that the prime factors are multipilicands of.

What is the factor form and repeated multiplication for 9?

The factors of nine are one, three, and nine. A factor is a whole number that when multiplied by another number equals the number you are factoring. So, the repeated multiplication for nine is 3 times 3.

What is the name of the computer program used in kindergarten and elementary school to learn Math and English where the characters were aliens?

The program is called Number Munchers and teaches addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, basic number theory, factoring and other arithmetic topics.

Breaking down a number to its prime numbers is called?

Factoring. The breakdown itself is called the number's prime factorization.

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The identity property of multiplication is sometimes called the one property of multiplication because it involves the number one. Any number times one equals the original number.

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In multiplication, the number being multiplied is called what

What is the word for a multiplication answer?

In any multiplication sum, for example, 6 x 3 = 18, the first number is called a multiplier. The second number, the number by which it is being multiplied, is called the multiplicand. The third number, the answer to the sum, is called the product.

What is the last number in multiplication called?

Probably the product.

How do you determine the exponent when rewriting an expression of repeated multiplication in exponential form?

The exponent for a factor is the number of times that the factor appras in the multiplication. An exponent of 1 is not usually written out. So, 2*2*2*3*3*3*3*5 = 23*34*5

What is the number in front of a variable in a multiplication expression called?

The coefficient

Why are the parts of multiplication problems called factors?

because one number is being factored by the other number. and the numbers in a multiplication problem are just called factors anyway. hope this helped you.