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Q: Is running for 3 minutes is an anaerobic activity?
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How long can anaerobic respiration sustain maximum muscle activity?

Skeletal muscle fibers can get ATP from 3 sources: -Phosphagen system (a few seconds) -Anaerobic fermentation (less than 2 minutes) -Aerobic respiration (indefinite)

Processes involved in anaerobic respiration?

Anaerobic Glycolysis occurs in our muscle cells during high intensity physical activity and the system last up to 3 minutes. Glycolysis is the break down of sugar

What is an example of an anaerobic activity?

There are many examples of anaerobic exercise. They include sprints, heavy weight lifting, hill climbing, and interval training. It is any exercise that does not maintain an aerobic level of heart rate for more than 20 minutes.

How long is Paranormal Activity 3?

According to AMG (All Movie Guide), the movie runs 86 minutes.Read more about the movie "Paranormal Activity" via the Related Link.

What is the running time for the movie Ice Age 3?

It is approximately 91 minutes

How much time does the running of the bulls take?

The running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, usually takes 3-4 minutes.

If a runner runs a mile in 3 minutes how fast were they running in MPH?

There are 60 minutes in one hour. That 60 is the same as 20 groups of 3 minutes. If each group of 3 minutes represents 1 mile, then there are 20 miles in that hour.

How long is Alvin and the chipmunks 2?

The movie has a running time of 88 minutes .

Will running 3 minutes a day on the Nintendo Wii help you lose weight?

No it won't

How fast is a person running if they traveled 3 miles in 45 minutes?

4 mph

How fast are you running if you run 10 miles in 45 minutes?

131/3 mph

What exercise you can do for 40 minutes?

I can easily perform 3 exercises for continuous 40 minutes. These are 1. Swimming 2. Running 3. Light Weight Gym Exercise