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30 min per day 3 days per week. Any combination of 90 minutes per week.

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8mo ago

To gain health benefits, adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week. This can be achieved by spreading out the activity over several days, such as 30 minutes per day for five days a week. Regular physical activity can improve cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and boost overall well-being.

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Q: How many minutes per day of moderate activity is needed to gain health benefits?
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How do you define 'serious'?

The adjective 'serious' can mean:1) primarily concerned with work or business rather than play or recreation2) performing an activity with all of one's energy and not halfheartedly3) deeply interested in a subject or activity so as to want to learn more about it and not to be merely entertained or amused4) dangerous to one's health, safety, or life

Do parots poop every 15 minutes?

No, parrots do not poop every 15 minutes. Like most animals, the frequency of their bathroom habits can vary depending on factors such as their diet, size, and overall health. However, parrots do tend to have more frequent and loose bowel movements compared to some other pets.

What are the three sides of the heath triangle?

Physical health, Mental/Emotional health, and Social health.

What the difference between monitoring and surveillance of a disease?

This is one of those technicalities:- Surveillance implies only observation and reporting of findings WITHOUT intervention.- Monitoring is the observation of change AFTER there has been an intervention of some sort.More exact definitions would be:Surveillance:Continuous scrutiny of the factors that determine the occurrence and distribution of a disease and other conditions of ill health.It's a 'special activity' done with more care and attention.Monitoring:Often used interchangeably with Surveillance. But Monitoring refers to ongoing measurement of health services or a health program with a view to evaluate the particular program/service or intervention with the constant adjustment of performance in relation to the results.It's a 'routine Activity' done to check whether the target/objective are being attained or not.

Survey research in health care?

why are health surveys inportance

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Physical exercise is important for good health, and TENNIS has specific health benefits for both the body and mind, which gives it an edge over many other types of physical activity. Recreational tennis has health benefits for the cardiovascular system, the muscles, bones, agility levels and more. In addition, tennis is a fun activity that reduces stress.

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Many people enjoy the taste of wine and the health benefits that its moderate consumption confers.

Who says physical activity is good?

Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.

What do the national physical activity guidelines recommend to the amount of physical activity needed to maintain health?

thirty minutes of moderately intense exercise

What is the minimum amount of physical activity necessary to achieve health benefits?

one hour a day, and make it good & hard progresivly, or you"ll stay fat.