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Q: Is seven ninths terminating
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What is seven ninths minus four ninths?

Seven ninths minus four ninths is 1/3.

What is less seven ninths or four fifths?

seven ninths.

How many ninths are in 7 ninths?

Seven of them

How many inches in one and seven ninths?

That depends what there are one and seven ninths of.

What is two ninths of twenty seven?

Two ninths of twenty-seven is six.

Is seven eights bigger than seven ninths?

Yes, seven eights is larger than seven ninths.

What is four ninths of twenty-seven?

12 is four ninths of twenty-seven.

What is five over nine times fourteen?

seven and seven ninths.....or...... seventy ninths

What is 24 minus two ninths?

23 and seven ninths.

What is bigger seven ninths or five ninths?


What is seven ninths minus two ninths?

It is: 5/9

What is seven ninths minus five ninths?
