Yes. If you convert both fractions into decimals, this is what you get:
1/2 = 0.5
6/11 = 0.54545454545
As you can see, 0.54545454545 is greater than 0.5, which means six elevenths is greater than one half.
You could also convert both fractions to the same denominator:
1/2 = 11/22
6/11 = 12/22
From this, you can also see that 6/11 is greater than 1/2.
One half is greater than one quarter.
your question answers itself "Is seven and a half greater than a half" One is fifteen times greater than the other.
yes three fourths is greater than one half
Greater. One half equals .5, or .50 which is bigger than .48.
2/11 is less than one half. One half would be 5.5/11, and 2 is obviously less than 5.5.
No, one half is not greater than three.One half is just a half of the number one, and since one is already lower than three, you can deduce that one half is not greater than three.
One half is greater than one quarter.
One half is greater than one quarter.
your question answers itself "Is seven and a half greater than a half" One is fifteen times greater than the other.
yes three fourths is greater than one half
Greater. One half equals .5, or .50 which is bigger than .48.
No, one half is greater than one eighth. One half is equal to four eighths, so it is larger than one eighth.
The one where the numerator is more than half of the denominator.
one half is grater