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Three is odd, so the whole number is odd.

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Q: Is sixtyseven thousand ninehundred eiegtythree even or odd?
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36,000 is already an even thousand, so there is no other thousand that's closer to it than 36,000 is.

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The word millennia means one thousand years. It refers to a span of one thousand years or even a one thousand year anniversary. Millennium refers to the thousand years that Christ will reign on earth.

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that doesnt even make sense.....

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A piece of paper floats on water but cannot be lifted by a thousand men as it is too light.

Can a person have over a thousand kids?

no nobody had a thousand not even a hundred kids yet. No, it is impossible to have even a 100 kids because it takes about 9 months to have a baby and even if you had the maximun amount at a time, you still wouldn't have enough time to have all 100

How do you write eleven thousand 17 thousand in figures?

That's not a number. Even if you change 'thounsand' to 'thousand', it still isn't a number - you've given two values for the thousands. 11000 and 17000