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sonic is stronger than tails.

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Q: Is sonic stronger than tails
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Is sonic stronger than tails doll?

It depends on the Tailsdoll's power and speed.

Is there really a Sonic Heroes team that is composed of newbies that claim to be faster than Sonic stronger than Knuckles and can fly higher than Tails?

no sonic is the worlds fastest, no one is stronger then knuckles and tails he can fly but i wish i could say he could land properly =/

Is Knuckles better than Tails?

depends how you think: knuckles is much stronger knuckles is older tails can fly tails is sonic first companion tails is awesome at building. my favourite is knuckles

Who is faster sonic or tails?

sonic is faster than tails by a long shot

Who is stronger vector or sonic?

sonic is stronger than knuckles yes he is stronger than vector

Where did the 3 tails from YouTube get their tails?

were did 3 tails get there tails from

Is sonic stronger than metal sonic?

Yes Sonic is stronger because he has more forms and Metal Sonic is just a robot of a copy of Sonic.

Does Shadow hate Tails?

Um no he might of hit Tails in Sonic X but he thinks Tails is OK but finds him less annoying than Sonic and Amy

Is tails stronger than omega?


Who is really cooler Sonic or Mario?

sonic may be cooler than mario, but mario is stronger.

Is sonic stronger than silver?

NO! Silver is about the samestrengthas sonic so it'sprobablya tie!

Is tails a fox?

something was not right about tails in sonic forces tails could be a girl because tails was so worried about sonic thinking was dead and later was very, very happy to see that sonic was alive and well which led me to believe tails could be a girl the entire time and sonic had never even knew that his best friend tails is a teenager girl fox the same age as him but much taller than him with a height of 7 feet tall and much more faster, durable and stronger than sonic.