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Q: Is student rank in class qualitative or quantitative?
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Is class rank a qualitative or quantitative variable?

A qualitative variable is a variable that has categorized values and the difference cannot be measured. A quantitative variable is a variable that consist of ordinary values and the difference can be measured. Depending on the type of class rank it can be both qualitative as quantitative.

Is sales rank or class rank a qualitative or quantitative variable?

Qualitative. ranking simply orders them according to another variable which may be the quantitative one and has a measurable scale (e.g. GPA score or Sales figures) That is, we have a scale to compare a gpa score of 3.0 with 2.0

Is sales rank a quantitative or qualitative variable?

Sales rank is a quantitative variable. The underlying value is sales, obviously a quantitative value. The median, minimum, maximum and percentile values are all quantitative statistics based on the ranking of data.

If a student's rank in a class of 400 students is 44 then what is the student's percentile rank?

The answer is 52

True or false Data at the ordinal level are quantitative only?

False. Data at the ordinal level can be either quantitative or qualitative. In ordinal data, the categories have a meaningful order or rank, but the difference between the categories is not necessarily equal.

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Class Gender;Female No time at all

What is higher- valedictorian or saludedictorian?

Valedictorian is typically higher than salutatorian. Valedictorian is the student with the highest academic rank in the graduating class and gives the farewell speech, while salutatorian is the student with the second highest rank and gives the opening speech.

What is it called when the measures of how a student performance compares with that of other students in his or her class is called?

it is called other people can some times do what you cant but you can do stuff they cant

What are some words of excellence that begin with the letter V?

Valedictorian is a word of excellence. It is the title given to the student with the highest academic rank in the class.

What is a salutatorian?

A salutatorian is the student who ranks second highest in academic standing in their graduating class. They usually give a speech at their graduation ceremony, following the valedictorian.

How do you find out your percentage in class ranking?

Take your current class rank.. for example 35 and divide that by the total number of student in your class.. for examples 700. So 35/700=0.05 Then multiply that by 100. 0.05x100=5 so you are top 5% of your class

What is another way to express class rank?

Percentile rank