

Is tangent an even function

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Is tangent an even function
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Is the tangent function periodic?

Yes, the tangent function is periodic.

Is the sine functions an odd function?

Yes. Along with the tangent function, sine is an odd function. Cosine, however, is an even function.

Why is the secant function is an even function and the tangent and cosecant are odd functions?

I find it convenient to express other trigonometric functions in terms of sine and cosine - that tends to simplify things. The secant function is even because it is the reciprocal of the cosine function, which is even. The tangent function is the sine divided by the cosine - an odd function divided by an even function. Therefore it is odd. The cosecant is the reciprocal of an odd function, so it is naturally also an odd function.

What is the function which outputs an angle when a tangent value is input?

The inverse tangent, also called the arc-tangent.

What do the asymptotes represent when you graph the tangent function?

When you graph a tangent function, the asymptotes represent x values 90 and 270.

What is arc tg?

It is probably arctan or arc tangent, the inverse of the tangent function.

What is a function whose graph has one or more breaks?

The tan [tangent] function.When a function has two or more brakes, this is not a continuous function, but it can be a continuous function in some intervals such as the tangent does.

What is the reciprocal of a tangent?

It is the cotangent function.

Why does the tangent of a particular angle always have the same value?

Because the tangent is a function of with the angle as its argument.

What is one tangent equal to?

Tangent is a function that can have any real value. Therefore one tangent can take any value in (-∞, ∞).

How does the tangent function relate to sine and cosine?

Tangent = sine/cosine provided that cosine is non-zero. When cosine is 0, then tangent is undefined.

What is the square-root of a tangent?

The tangent is essentially the derivative of the function. The square-root is just what ever function that is takes two of that function to equal the tangent. If you need further help on this question just send me a message on my message board and id be glad to help you out.