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Q: Is the 'number of days' discrete data?
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Is the number of foggy days at an airport continuous or discrete?

Either fog occurs on a day, or it does not. Therefore it is a discrete value.

Data that has a countable number of values and can be classified into categories is called?

discrete data

Is the number of cars a jogger passes a discrete variable?

Yes. If you are conducting a study, and collecting data, the number of cars would be a discrete variable.

What is a example of discrete data?

Discrete data are observations on a variable that which take values from a discrete set.

What is discrete data scale?

is the number of bar presses made by your rat in an experemental session continuouse scale or discrete scale?

What kind of data can be represented by a stem and leaf plot?

A moderately small number of discrete quantitative data.

Are weight of motorcycles discrete data or continuous data?

The weight of the motorcycles is discrete and not the continuous data.

What does discrete data mean in maths?

Discrete - Each recorded data has a particular whole value e.g. Number of pencils in pencil cases, Number of correct answers in a test Continuous - The recorded data can have any value in a given range e.g. Height of students, Time taken to run 100m

What are discrete quantitive data?

First let's look at what quantitative data is.Quantitative data are numeric.Discrete data are numeric data that have a finite number of possible values.So it is numerical data that can only have a finite number of possible values.One often used example of discrete quantitative data is the number 1,2 3, and 4 corresponding to strongly agree, agree, neutral, and don't agree,

What type of data has an infinite number of points between each measurement?

I think you are going for continuous variable, as compared with discrete variables.

What graph is used to discrete data?

Any kind of graph can be used for discrete data.