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Q: Is the Liver able to regenerate even after 50 percent of its original mass is lost?
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Is liver is able to regenerate even after 50 percent of its original mass is lost?


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Can you live with a half liver?

Surgeons don't remove half of a kidney, so you must mean can someone live with a half-functioning kidney. Yes, a person can live with one kidney only functioning at half capacity. The other kidney picks up the workload. However, if the other kidney begins failing, the person will need dialysis to live.

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What happens if you get stabbed with a knife in the liver?

You die a really slow and painful death. The liver is a really vulnerable organ. Of course, if you're lead to the closest emergency services before that, they probably can help you in no time: the liver is also famous for being able to regenerate itself really quickly, with the same properties as a lizards tail.

If some of the liver is removed will it grow back?

If you cut off 80% of your liver, it will continue to work. after 2-3 months, you would find the whole liver intact as it was before cutting. scientists have found out that the liver really grows. so,the liver is called the chemical factory of the human body.

How do octopus regenerate their body parts?

It is doubtful that the Giant Pacific octopus can regenerate it's arms. After 15 years of observations, none of the octopus that had fewer than 8 arms were able to regenerate. William Hanshumaker Hatfield Marine Science Center Oregon State University

Can crocodiles regenerate?

No, unlike smaller reptiles and amphibians, crocodilians do not have the ability to regenerate lost limbs. I would assume they rarely ever need to though, not many things are able to take on crocodiles, especially the Nile and Estuarine varieties.

How did cell survive vegetas final flash?

Cell survived Vegeta's Final Flash by regenerating from the damage inflicted by the attack. Cell's regenerative abilities allowed him to repair his body and continue fighting, demonstrating his resilience and endurance in battle.

If cut in half which worm could regenerate into two new worms?

Planarian worms have the ability to regenerate into two new worms if cut in half because of their amazing regenerative capabilities. Each half is able to regenerate the missing parts, resulting in two separate worms.