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Q: Is the X axis the horizontal axis the Y axis is the vertical axis on a line graph?
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On a graph the vertical line is...axle?

On a typical graph, the vertical line is the y-axis, they horizontal line is the x-axis.

A straight horizontal line across the graph would indicate?

The straight horizontal line on a graph is referred to as the x-axis. The vertical line on a graph is the y-axis.

Is the line perfectly vertical on a speed graph if you were standing still?

No. If the horizontal axis is time, and the vertical axis is speed, and you're standing still,Then the graph is perfectly horizontal, and it coincides with the horizontal axis.

How do you find the x-axis on a line graph?

The x-axis is the horizontal line that correlates with the vertical y-axis.

What kind of graph shows time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis a straight horizontal line?


Is the graph of y a horizontal or vertical line?

The y axis is a vertical line whereas the x axis is a horizontal line and both axes intersect at right angles at the point of origin.

If a graph shows time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis a straight horizontal line across the graph would indicate?

constant speed

What does intercept on x-axis mean?

On a graph, you will have a vertical numbered line and a horizontal numbered line. The vertical one is called the "y-axis" and the horizontal is the "x-axis." You are either looking for a line, shape, or arc that touches, or "intercepts" on the x-axis (horizontal line).

A graph shows distance on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axisif the speed is steadily increasing what will the line representing speed look like on the graph?

If a graph shows distance on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis, and the speed is steadily increasing, the line representing speed will be a straight line.

Which variable is the y-axis of a graph?

The y-axis is the vertical line that is perpendicular to the horizontal line of the x-axis on the Cartesian plane

Which variable always goes on the horizonal axis of line graph?

The x axis is horizontal; the y axis is vertical

What does no slope look like on a graph?

An horizontal line . A line parallel with the x-axis. NB A vertical line / a slope parallel with the y-axis is described as 'undefined'.